OVERVIEW: Balancing acts are something you do very well, and you’ll be regular tightrope walker this year! You have a natural ability to patiently give people your valuable time, and weigh new ideas without jumping to conclusions. Lots of rewards both personally and professionally will come from being able to work hard creating various successful projects in your career.
Long-deserved appreciation for all the love, respect and uplifting energy you exhibit will connect you with new opportunities for advancement in 2007. You have spent a lot of time mastering your communication skills, and you’ll experience personal transformation in a deep and profound way. People listen to you because you have something important to say and know how to articulate what you mean. You could easily find yourself in the public limelight.
Your softhearted nature—exemplified by giving to your family without asking for anything in return—comes naturally to you. Your nurturing gives people a deep sense of security and stability, and helps them to be more successful in their own lives.
CAREER: All your hard work this year will be rewarded when you receive plenty of recognition. You are motivated to succeed at whatever you do and dramatic advancement in your career is very likely. Because you have such a strong urge for personal security and the energy of a great healer, you should be able to channel that positive energy in a way to help others in any of these fields. Rest assured: 2007 is a big one for you!
整体运势: 凡事公正处理一定会有好的效果,今年你的总体运势有惊无险。你总能耐心地给人建议,反复权衡不轻易下结论。无论是对个人还是工作,只要你努力去创造,就会得到丰厚的报酬。
工作运势: 今年你会受到重用,你的努力也会得到回报。无论做什么事情,都觉得干劲十足,并取得意想不到的成功。因为你对个人的稳定和事业发展有强烈的渴求,你应该在这些领域对那些需要帮助的人给予积极的建议。毫无疑问,2007年将是你的丰收年!★
Long-deserved appreciation for all the love, respect and uplifting energy you exhibit will connect you with new opportunities for advancement in 2007. You have spent a lot of time mastering your communication skills, and you’ll experience personal transformation in a deep and profound way. People listen to you because you have something important to say and know how to articulate what you mean. You could easily find yourself in the public limelight.
Your softhearted nature—exemplified by giving to your family without asking for anything in return—comes naturally to you. Your nurturing gives people a deep sense of security and stability, and helps them to be more successful in their own lives.
CAREER: All your hard work this year will be rewarded when you receive plenty of recognition. You are motivated to succeed at whatever you do and dramatic advancement in your career is very likely. Because you have such a strong urge for personal security and the energy of a great healer, you should be able to channel that positive energy in a way to help others in any of these fields. Rest assured: 2007 is a big one for you!
整体运势: 凡事公正处理一定会有好的效果,今年你的总体运势有惊无险。你总能耐心地给人建议,反复权衡不轻易下结论。无论是对个人还是工作,只要你努力去创造,就会得到丰厚的报酬。
工作运势: 今年你会受到重用,你的努力也会得到回报。无论做什么事情,都觉得干劲十足,并取得意想不到的成功。因为你对个人的稳定和事业发展有强烈的渴求,你应该在这些领域对那些需要帮助的人给予积极的建议。毫无疑问,2007年将是你的丰收年!★