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  1.课本原句:What else,but a journeyat the opposite end Of the world.Antarcti-ca.(P.31)
  What else did he say?他还说了什么?
  Little else remains to be done.另外没剩下什么要做了。
  2)whose else=who else's.例如:
  This book is not yours.whose else can itbe?
  Go quickly,(or)else you will miss thetrain.
  1.I don't think we met before.You aretaking me for____.(2005安徽卷)
  A.some other B.someone else
  C.other person D.one other
  2.—Victor certainly cares too muchabout himself.
  ——Yes.He's never interested in what____is doing.(2005重庆卷)
  A.no one else B.anyone else
  C.someone else D.nobody else
  3.—I hear that they aren't pleased withthe house you've chosen for them.
  —Well,____could they live in suchcomfort?(2003北京卷)
  A.where else B.what else
  C.how D.why
  点拨:1.B。someone else=some otherpeople 2.B 3.A。where else=in whatother place
  2.课本原句:For women it sometimesseems twice as difficult(as it is for men).(P.29)
  解读:1)要注意修饰语位置:a half/30%/two-thirds/twice/almost/exactly+as+形容词/副词+as。例如:
  I have twice as many books as you.
  Beijing is as large a city as London.
  The stone weighs as much as 15 tons.这石头重达15吨。
  1.What a table!I've never seen such athing before.It is____it is long.(2005湖北卷)
  A.half not as wide as
  B.not half as wide as
  C.wide not as half as
  D.as wide as not half
  2.John is the tallest boy in the class,____according to himself.(2005安徽卷)
  A.five foot eight as tall as
  B.as tall as five foot eight
  C.8s five foot eight tall as
  D.as tall five foot eight as
  3.It is reported that the United Statesuses____energy as the whole of Europe.(NMET 2005全国卷)
  A.as twice B.twice much
  C.twice much as D.twice as much
  4.Americans eat____vegetables perperson today as they did in 1910.(2002上海卷)
  A.more than twice
  B.as twice as many
  C.twice as many as
  D.more than twice as many
  3.课本原句:…but none of that hap-pened.(P.31)
  要点:no one,none,nothing的区别。
  解读:1)no one相当于nobody,指人,noone分开写可以跟of短语连用,但no one ofus没有none of us用得多。no-one连写不能与of短语连用。常用来回答who、anybodyelse问句。
  2)none可指三者或三者以上的人或物,后面可接of短语,由于指数量的多寡,故可回答how many/much问句。
  1.of all the books on the desk,____is of any use for our study.(2006四川卷)
  A.nothing B.no one
  C.neither D.none
  2.I made a call to my parents yesterday.To my disappointmeot,——of them an-swered it.(2005福建卷)
  A.either B.none
  C.neither D.nobody
  点拨:1.D。of all the books none= none of the books 2.C。
  4.课本原句:It is an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.(P.30)
  He has much experience in teaching.
  Traveling west was an unforgettable ex—perience for me.
  He experienced two world wars.
  另外,experienced可作形容词,意为“有 经验的”,相当于skilled.
  Jumping out of____airplane at tenthousand feet is quite____exciting experi-ence.(NMET 2002)
  A./;the B./;an
  C.an;an D.the;the
  点拨:C。第一空表泛指,应填an;anexperience在此表“一次经历”。   1.课本原句:The North Island is fa-mOBS for an area Of hot springs.some Of which throw hot water high into the air.(P.38)
  要点:“限定词+of which/whom”引导的非限制性定语从句
  解读:限定词some,any,none,all,both,half,each,either,neither,several,enough,many及(a)few,(a)little,the first等都可以与of which或of whom连用,引导非限制性定语从句。其中of which\whom也可放在限定词前。例如:
  She has two daughters.both of whom/of whom both\and both of them are college stu-dents.
  1.I have many friends._____some are businessmen.(2005全国卷Ⅱ)
  A.of them B.from which
  C.who of D.of whom
  2.There are altogether eleven books onthe shelf,_____five are mine.(2004甘肃卷)
  A.on which B.in which
  C.of which D.from which
  3.I was given three books on COOking,the first_____I really enjoyed.(2006浙江卷)
  A.of that B.of which
  C.that D.which
  4.I saw a woman running towards me inthe dark.Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the directionshe had come.(NMET 2006重庆)
  A.of which B.bv which
  C.in which D.from which
  点拨:1.D。of whom some=some ofwhom 2.C。3.B。4.D。
  2.课本原句:New Zealand is an im.portant agricultural country,with cattlefarming on the North Island,while thehilly South Island has more sheep farms.(P.42)
  He fell asleep with his radio still work-ing.
  Tom stood for a moment with his handstill raised.
  With so much work to do.we can't killany time by playing cards.
  With so many people to help us we canfinish the work on time.
  The girl entered the room with her eyesfull Of tears.
  The emperor walked in the street with nothing on.
  1.With no one to_____in such afrightening situation,she felt very helpless.(2006陕西卷)
  A.turn to B.turn on
  C.turn off D.turn over
  2.They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to_____.(湖北2005)
  A.spare B.catch C.leave D.make
  3.I couldn't do my homework with allthat noise_____.(北京2005)
  A.going on B.goes on
  C.went on D.to go on
  点拨:1.A。turn to sb.意为“求助于某人”;2.A。to spare意为“剩下”;3.A。根据语境,表正在进行的主动动作,应用现在分词。
  3.课本原句:Look at the map of Chi-na and the names Of countries.islands and seas beyond China.(P.36)
  There is a panda beyond the tree.
  Some shops stay open beyond midnight.
  I can't buy the book beyond one dollar.
  I know nothing of it beyond what he toldme.
  4)构成的常见短语有:beyond one'spower/ability(超出某人权限/能力);beyondall praise(夸不胜夸);beyond control(无法控制);beyond description/expression(无法形容);beyond compare(无与伦比);beyonddoubt(毫无疑问)等。
  1.Sorry,Madam.You'd better come to-morrow because it's_____the visiting hours. (2006福建卷)
  A during B.at
  C.beyond D before
  2.it's quite_____me why such thingshave been allowed to happen.(2006安徽卷)
  A.for B.beyond
  C.against D.before
  3.This new model of car is so expensivethat it is_____the reach of those with aver-age incomes.(2006江苏卷)
  A.over B.Within
  C.beyond D below
  点拨:1.c。bey.ond(超出);2.B。beyondsb(某人不懂);3 C。
  4.课文原句:Today there are still many people in New Zealand who call England"the home county",Mthough itis a place where most Of them have never been.
  解读: 1.由as(虽然、尽管)引导。其句型为:形容同/副词,名词等+as+主语+谓语+其它。注意:此句型中的名词前和形容词最高级前不能有冠词。例如:
  Youngest/child as he is.he is knowl-edgeable.虽然他最小,知识却很丰富。
  Although I was crazy about musinc,I can'tplay any instrument.
   1.—Have you been to New Zealand?
  —No,I'd like to_____.(2005山东卷)
  A.too B.though C.yet D.either
  2._____,he talks a lot about hisfavourite siners after class.(2005重庆卷)
  A.A quiet student as hemay be
  B.Quiet student as he may be
  C.Be a quiet student as he was
  D.Quict as he may be a student
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一、词语例解    1、insprie  vt.1)make someone want to do sth.,etc.促使;鼓励  His speech inspired us to try again.他的演讲促使我们再作尝试。  2)put ideas into someone's mind启发;赋予灵感;给……以启示。  The islands of Scotland inspired M
Ⅰ.单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1.New Zealand is s______by the PacificOcean to the north and east.  2.New Zealand has a p______of about 3.8million people.  3.The______(气候)in some southern citie
Ⅰ.单词拼写    根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1.The man_____(钦佩)Napolcon so muchthat he wanted to join his army.  2.Don't be so_____(吝啬).Be generouswhen you try to helD your friend.  3.He is so d____(不诚实)t
一、词语例解    1.settle  v.1)place or plant firmly and securely安置;安放  He settled himself in the armchair. 他安坐在扶手椅上。  2)to make a place your home定居;移居  The family finally settled in South Amer-ica.这家人最后在南美定
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