Shrek returning to be King?

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  THE green monster and his wife are back. However, they’re not just living happily ever after.
  Shrek 3 opened across Chinese theaters on August 24. This time, Shrek has a new problem. King Harold has fallen ill in Far-Far Away. So he asks his son-in-law(女婿) Shrek to take his place. Shrek agrees. But he doesn’t like the job. The green monster likes nothing better than staying in his own swamp(沼泽) with his wife Fiona.
  So Shrek sets out with his friends to find the King’s nephew, Arthur. He hopes Arthur will be the new King. As they’re starting out, Fiona tells Shrek she’s pregnant(怀孕了). Shrek has nightmares(恶梦) about the future of his children. He worries about this all along the way.
  When Shrek and his friends finally find Arthur, he likes the idea of being the King at first. But he gets scared when he hears about his future duties. He gets into a fight with Shrek on the ship home. As a result, they end up on an island. But they take the chance to learn more about each other and become friends.
  At the same time, evil(邪恶的) Prince Charming is back home planning to take over(占有) the country. Fiona tries to stop him while they wait for Shrek and Arthur. But Prince Charming has an evil plan.
  Will Shrek get back to Far-Far-Away in time to save its people? See the movie and find out.
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一、词语例解    1、insprie  vt.1)make someone want to do sth.,etc.促使;鼓励  His speech inspired us to try again.他的演讲促使我们再作尝试。  2)put ideas into someone's mind启发;赋予灵感;给……以启示。  The islands of Scotland inspired M
Ⅰ.单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1.New Zealand is s______by the PacificOcean to the north and east.  2.New Zealand has a p______of about 3.8million people.  3.The______(气候)in some southern citie
Ⅰ.单词拼写    根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1.The man_____(钦佩)Napolcon so muchthat he wanted to join his army.  2.Don't be so_____(吝啬).Be generouswhen you try to helD your friend.  3.He is so d____(不诚实)t
一、词语例解    1.settle  v.1)place or plant firmly and securely安置;安放  He settled himself in the armchair. 他安坐在扶手椅上。  2)to make a place your home定居;移居  The family finally settled in South Amer-ica.这家人最后在南美定
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