Unit 17 Great Women学习指导

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  vt.1)make someone want to do sth.,etc.促使;鼓励
  His speech inspired us to try again.他的演讲促使我们再作尝试。
  2)put ideas into someone's mind启发;赋予灵感;给……以启示。
  The islands of Scotland inspired Mendelssohn to write some lovely music.苏格兰的岛屿给门德尔松灵感,使他写出了一些优美的乐曲。
  The scene inspired his painting The Sun-flowers.这一场面启发他画出“向阳花”。
  【拓展】inspiration n.鼓舞;激动;鼓舞人心的人/事;灵感
  get inspiration from…从……中得到启示
  He got inspiration from the movie.他从那部电影中得到了启示。
  give(the)inspiration to…启发;鼓舞
  Her words gave inspiration to aU of us.她的话使我们所有的人受到了鼓舞。
  vt.1) look at something or someone with pleasure,etc.欣赏
  The tourists admired the view from the tower.游客登塔欣赏景色。
  He admires your poems very much.他非常欣赏你的诗。
  2)think well of someone钦佩;赞赏
  I admire her for her bravery. 我钦佩她的勇气。
  a.1)wanting to keep everything for your-self吝啬的;小气的
  Her husband is very mean about money.她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。
  It was mean of you to tease the little boy.戏弄那个小男孩,你真坏。
  3)of low character,aims,etc.卑贱的;鄙陋的
  The young couple made their home in amean dwelling.这对年轻夫妇在一个简陋的住处安了家。
  vt.1)(of words,sentences,etc.)signify,import(言词等)表示……的意思
  What do you mean bv acting like this?你这样做是什么意思?
  I mean her no harm.我无意伤害她。
  2)want or plan to do something意欲;意图;打算
  I meant this photo for her.我是准备把这张照片送给她的。
  We had meant to be early.我们本来是想早来的。
  had meant to do=meant to have done都是“过去本来打算做而实际未做成”的意思。又如:
  I had meant to help him.but I was toobusy.我本来想去帮助他,但我太忙了。
  vt.to be sorry about懊悔;因……而遗憾
  I regret spending so much money on acar.我后悔在一辆小汽车上花这么多钱。
  I regret to say that we can't stay hereany longer.我很抱歉,我们不能再在这儿多呆了。
  I felt a great regret at having fooled awaymy time in this way.我对这样浪费光阴深感懊悔。
  Much to my regret,I didn't go withthem.非常遗憾,我没有同他们一起去。
  【搭配】express regret at(for,over)对……表示可惜(遗憾);为……表示抱歉
  refuse with many regrets(much regret)婉言谢绝send regrets(a regret)(尤指对请贴)发出辞谢信a matter for regret一件憾事express deep regret at对……深表遗憾
  This dictionary is of little value to you.这本词典对你没有什么帮助。
  He doesn't know the value of fresh airand sunlight.他不了解新鲜空气和阳光的重要性。
  Your help has been of great value.你的帮助很有价值。
  vt.1)rate at a certain value or price;es—timate the value of估价;评价
  I value this necklace at$5,000.我估计这条项链值五千美元。
  2)think highly of;regard highly尊重;珍视
  My father values honesty beyond allthings.我父亲把诚实看得比什么都重要。
  Do you value her as a secretary? 作为一个秘书,她受到你的重视吗?
  【搭配】good value(钱)花得值;值得买
  of no value没有价值的
  poor value(钱)花得不值;不值得(花钱)买
  set/put…value on/upon对……给予……的评价
  I don't put much value on what he says.我不大重视他所说的话。
  1、be known for…因……而闻名   Madam Curie is known for discovering Ra-dium.居里夫人因为发现了镭而闻名于世。
  注意:be known for/to/as所表达的不同含义:
  Yang Lan is known for her excellent per-formance in hosting the program zhengda-zongyi.杨澜因其在《正大综艺》节目中的出色主持而闻名。(for后接原因)
  Yang Lan is known to people all over China.中国人都知道杨澜。(to后接对象)
  Yang Lan is known as a host.杨澜是作为一个主持人而闻名的。 (as后接身份)
  2.become of 遭遇;发生
  What will become of your research sub-iect?你们的研究课题前景怎样?
  What will become of the naughty boy ifhe keeps behaving like that.如果这个淘气的男孩继续这样下去,他将来会怎么样。
  3.be around the corner 不远;就在眼前
  She used to live just around the comer.她以前就住在附近。
  Victory is just around the corner.胜利就在眼前。
  4.take up 开始花时间做……;对……产生兴趣;占用(时间或空间)
  John took uD acting while he was at col-lege.约翰在上大学时喜欢上演戏。
  Alfred has just taken up playing the gui—tar.阿尔弗雷德迷上了弹吉它。
  These boxes of yours are taking up too much space.你的这些箱子占去了太多的地方。
  I'll take up the story where I finished yes—terday.我要继续讲述昨天未讲完的故事。
  6.come ti terms 达成协议;妥协;让步
  The two sides came to terms on that matter at last.双方最后终于就那件事达成了协议。
  Diana came to terms with the fact that she lost the game.黛安娜接受了比赛失败的事实。
  7.as it is 事实上,照现在的情况;照原来的样子
  As it is,learning English is not easy forfreshmen of high school.其实,学英语对高中新生来说真不容易。
  Don't say anything else;you're in e-nough trouble as it is.不要再说了,照现在的情况你已经够麻烦的啦。
  1.It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.
  句中It is said that…这一结构为常用句型。常用于此句型的动词还有:report,hope,know,believe,decide等。例如:
  It is reported that Hillarv intends to run for American president in 2oo8.据报道希拉里有意竞选2oo8年美国总统。
  It's hoped that further improvement will be made in your written English.希望你的英语写作能力进一步提高。
  It's said that this book has been translat—ed into English.据说,这本书已经被翻译成英语。
  注意:It is said that…结构可以转换为Sth./Sb.is said to…。如上面最后两个句子可转换为:
  Further improvement is hoped to be made in your.written English.
  This book is said to have been translated into English.
  1.—Is Bob still performing?
  —I'm afraid not.He is said____ the stage already as he has become an offi-cial.(NMET 2oo5江苏)
  A.to have left B.to leave
  C.to have been left D.to be left
  【解析】答案A。句意:据说他已经离开舞台,因为他做官了。本句可转换为:It is said that he left the stage already as he has become an official.
  2.AIDS is said______ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.(NMET 2oo6湖北)
  A.that it is B.to be
  C.that it has been D.to have been
  【解析】答案D。句意:据说,近几年艾滋病已成为对那个地区的男人和女人的健康构成最大挑战。句子可转换为:It is said that AIDS has been the biggest health chal—lenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.
  2.When asked if she regretted notsaving her son,she said she made thechoice without regret.
  When asked为省略形式,相当于Whenshe was asked。在以when,while,if,as if.though(although),as,whether,once等连词引导的时间、原因、条件、方式、让步等状语从句中,常常省略相同的主语或作主语的代词it以及be动词,保留现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、不定式等。例如:
  1.You must be careful when (you are)crossing the street.过马路时你务必小心。
  2.When(she was)told the news,she gotexcited.当得知这个消息时,她很激动。
  3.Give him a hand if(it is)possible.如果可能的话,帮一帮他。
  1.When____help,one often says"Thank you."or"It's kind of you."fNMET2oo5福建卷)
  A.offering B.to offer
  C.to be offered D.offered
  【解析】答案D。When offered help相当于When one is offered help;one与offer之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。
  2.When first_____to the market.theseproducts enjoyed great success.(NMET 2oo4全国卷Ⅱ)
  A.introducing B.introduced
  C.introduce D.being introduced
  【解析】答案B。完整形式为When theywere first introduced to the market…theseproducts enjoyed great SUCCESS.。
第一卷 (选择题)  第一部分: 英语知识运用  第一节: 语法和词汇知识  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  1. He can_______3,000 yuan a month by writing stories and support a family of three.   A. spareB. affordC. earnD. charge  2. I don
1. 课文原句:You are looking for two seats to sit down with your friend, but there are none.  考点: no one / none的区别  解读: 两个均表示三者或三者以上的人或物。其中none意为“没有一个人(物)”,指数量的多少,即可指人,也可指物。后面可接of短语,能用来回答how many , how muc
一、词语例解  1. scene  【用法】 n. 1) 戏剧的一场 (a small part of a play)  The first act is divided into four scenes. 第一幕分成四场。  Do you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time? 你记不记得
Ⅰ. 单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。  1. It’s good m________to say “sorry” when you are late for class.  2. When you do something wrong, you should make an a________to others.  3. He’s always finding
第一卷(选择题)  第一部分:英语知识运用  第一节:语法和词汇知识  从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  1.——?  —He is a nice boy.  A.What's your playmate  B.What's your playmate like  C.What does you playmate like  D.How is your playmate
第一卷(选择题)  第二部分:英语知识运用(共三节)  第一节:语法和词汇知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。  1.Laszlo Biro is eonsidEered——theball-point pen.  A.to invent B.inventing  C.to be inventing D.to have invented  2.When I got home
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