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  What do you think of when you hear the word “culture”? Perhaps art, theater, and symphonies1. Maybe you’re reminded of your family background, or the distinctive feel of cities like New York, Tokyo, or Buenos Aires. Andrews University is packed with culture in every sense of the word. The diverse atmosphere ensures that you’ll not only find plenty of people who share the same interests as you, but you’ll also have the opportunity to break out and try something different. You can dive into nearly any cultural niche2 you’re looking for: Snowboarding3, chess, jazz, mountain biking, skydiving, film, music, kite,surfing, weightlifting, even puppeteering and Iron Man triathlon4. Add to these a multitude of international, political, and academic clubs, frequent Student Association activities, art cafes and exhibitions, and the many top-quality Andrews performing arts groups, and you get a thriving, cosmopolitan5 “campus culture”—one that never stops buzzing with activity.
   As Andrews’ motto, “Body, Mind, Spirit” affirms, physical development is essential to quality education. That’s why Andrews University provides not only superior academics, but also exciting sports that will never leave you bored. Choose from P. E. clubs like golf, scuba6, racquetball7, and wilderness survival. Head to the playing field Friday and Sunday for pickup soccer. Register your team for all-night athletic tournaments in several sports. And the year-round intramural8 schedule allows you to participate in competitive league and tournament play the entire time you’re here. The program features a full range of sporting options, including indoor and outdoor soccer, basketball, flag football, volleyball, badminton, fast-pitch softball, golf, and floor hockey.
   If you’d rather exercise at your own pace, the on-campus network of athletic facilities gives you the freedom to enjoy the study break you deserve anytime. Lift weight, swim, or jog. Play racquetball, tennis, or basketball. And there’s just as much to do off campus. Surrounded by forest preserves, rolling hills, and Lake Michigan, the beautiful Southwest Michigan area is ideal for all kinds of outdoor recreation. Whether you’re into rock-climbing, skydiving, snowmobiling, backpacking, snowboarding, mountain biking, golf, or fishing, you’ll find plenty to satisfy your recreational tastes within an hour of campus.
   If you need proof of the dynamic multicultural flavor on campus, just check out the list of student clubs and organizations. The phrase “something for everyone” is an understatement here.The problem is not finding something that interests you, but finding time to fit all the interesting activities into your schedule. They’re certain there’s something that suits you in Andrew University. So certain, we’ve put money on it. That’s right—in case you don’t find what you’re looking for, AUSA has now budgeted funds to help budding organizations get off the ground. So get involved, put your creativity to work, and turn your ideas into action.

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