《新目标人教版义务教育教科书英语》九年级全一册第4单元 “I used to be afraid of the dark.”听说课例设计与反思

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  With the rapid development of science, listening and speaking skills of teaching and learning have been updated. A lot of people pay more attention to English learning and teaching. And the requirement of students' English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills becomes higher than before. To cultivate the students' ability of communication with others in English, to cultivate the cross-cultural awareness become the focus in English class. Because the English abilities of listening and speaking are the basis of oral English communication, listening teaching becomes the important chanal to cultivate students' English abilities of listening and speaking. The listening and speaking part of "New Target People Education Edition Compulsory Education English" nine grades Unit 4 "I used to be afraid of the dark." is regarded as teaching object. In order to finish the teaching task, the paper combines the students-centered guiding ideology with Task-based Language Teaching. Aims to help students form the habits of accomplishing tasks independently, cooperate and communicate with each other.
  Keywords: listening and speaking abilities; students-centered; Task-based Language Teaching
  1 Getting Students Ready for learning
  When the teacher comes into the classroom and begins to greet the students, just giving the student hints that the class is beginning. Besides the simple way of "Good morning", "How are you today?", but also will greet with the teacher in "what day is today?" And "what's the weather like today?".
  2 Lead-in
  The teacher will guess a simple riddle with the students "It has four legs in the morning and has two legs at noon, but at night there are three legs." After guessing, the students will be asked to tell what the different are between and among reform. Finishing this, the teacher will make a summary in a word of "Today, we are going to study the Unit 4 'I used to be afraid of the dark.'" into the class, and write down the topic on the blackboard.
  3 Revision
  The teacher will show a popular idol photo and draw the mind-map on the blackboard. Let the students try to describe the appearance of popular idol. Then, the students are asked to think about the idol's temperament and hobbies, such as he is outgoing, he likes singing, etc. In the course of the students describe, the teacher would write down the words and phrases that students said on the mind-map.   4 Pre-listening
  Before listening, the students are given a task assigned by the teacher. The teacher will divide the students into two groups, each group need finish one part of 1a. After the schedule time, representatives of group write their answers on the blackboard, their answers maybe they had learned or something new they know, and other students to be little teachers to check. Then, learn some new words together.
  5 While-listening
  The listening materials are several conversations between Bob and his friends. They talk about what they used to look like.The first time the students finish the listening material by themselves. And they should fill in the blanks at their textbooks as possible as they can. At the second time for listening, the teacher will let students circle the key words they think. Then, they will listen again with the teacher. When the key words or topic sentences are emerge, the teacher will stop the material, and let students repeat what they have heard and translate what the meaning are.
  After listening, the teacher checks the answers and let the students listen again with watching the listening material. Then, students will read the listening material by themselves in the way of role playing. Next, they will be given 1 minute to search out the sentences of describing people's appearance in the past. Then, learn the language structure by analyzing some idol's photos between present and past and doing some exercises.
  At the end of this class, the students are asked to make summary about what they learned in this class, and the teacher just needs to do a simple added based on the topic of this lesson and what the students said.
  Provided that you are Qinchuan who is the heroine in a teleplay called Gong.And someday, you are backing in Qin Dynasty. You find everything around you changed. And subsequently, you begin to recall the modern life. What did you use to be?
  What did you use to do?
  Make conversations about yourselves in modern life with your partner. And show your conversations in next class.
摘要:这几年,我们一直在探讨高效和谐的教学模式。国家对基础教育课程改革的要求在变,这势必影响到小学的课程改革。所以我们对高效教学的理解和做法也要变。小学英语教学不但要有规模,而且要有效率,也就是要实现在人力和物力方面以最少的投入获得最多的产出。要做到这一点就必须要研究小学英语教学的科学规律,即小学英语教学要提高效率,要會教语言,会教学生,会运用教材,会活用教材,有所发现,有所创造。  关键词:小学
学习目标:(心中有目标,你就会走向成功!)  知识目标:  1.准确地拼读以下单词短语:postcard, lie, line, wait, walk, trip, enjoy;take photos, on sale, go back.  2.能够记住以下重点句型:I’m standing on …and …/ Lingling is buying…/ We’re enjoying … a lo
教师语言表达能力的高低,会直接影响学生的听讲情绪,影响教师指导作用的发挥,影响教学效果的好坏和教学质量的高低。所以我觉得身为教师就更要注重自己的语言。那么如何做比较好呢?我认为关键要注意以下几点。  一、注重语言的教育性  教师应注意将课堂语言的教育性渗透在教学过程中,与所教内容紧密结合在一起。例如,我在教学《只有一个地球》时,当结束课文时我说了这一番话:“同学们,地球只有一个,如果没有了地球,我
摘要:小学语文教材中的古诗,语言精炼优美,表现了深刻意蕴和动人境界。古诗教学中,教师要有意识有技巧地引导学生进入细微情境,体味接受美的熏陶启迪。可从“多元朗读,诗画结合,启发想象”三方面引导学生走进古诗的意境,感受诗意的美好,浸染学生的心灵。  关键词:古诗、意境、诵读  小学语文教科书中的古诗,节奏明快,语言精炼,意境悠远,内涵丰富,每一首都晓畅自然,读起来朗朗上口,回味起来曼妙无比。因此,我想
我常常听到有些老师惋惜的说:计算题这么简单,学生怎么老出错?也常听到家长抱怨:我家娃子计算题总是马虎出错,真想不通,哎!我们老师也经常因为学生“计算错误”而困惑。题做了不少,错误率却居高不下。出现这种情况的原因是什么呢?我认为不仅仅是“简单”“马虎”的问题,究其原因主要有以下几点:  1.不看清楚数字和符号  学生在抄写数字、符号的时候,没有看清楚就下笔,抄写的数字就会出现牛头不对马嘴的情况,比如
“小时候,我以为你很美丽,领着一群小鸟飞来飞去;小时候我以为你很神气,说上一句话也惊天动地……长大后我就成了你……”正如歌里所唱,父亲这位人民教师从小就在我的心中播下了一颗“种子”,一颗对教师这一职业期望崇拜的“种子”。这颗“种子”在父亲宽厚博大的爱的雨露阳光下,慢慢地在我心中生根、发芽,直至开花、结果。长大后,我也骄傲地成为了一名光荣的人民教师,至今已整整二十二年。  在我这么多年的教师生涯中,
欣赏课作为美术课程的必学领域之一,年级越高欣赏的内容越丰富。大多数美术教师上课以讲授理论知识、专业术语为主,也有些教师匆匆把一幅作品简单介绍一番,然后让学生自己看课本和图片,美其名曰:以自学为主。学生的主要任务变成了被动的听讲、无目的看, 这些机械式的学习使学生思想麻木,上课态度消极,渐渐对欣赏课失去了兴趣,更别说进一步对作品内容的评述。这样的美术欣赏课起不到审美教育的作用,陶冶不了学生的情操,严
小学低年级阶段的孩子具有好奇、好动、爱表现、爱模仿等特点,他们记忆力好,形象思维能力强。但这一阶段的孩子缺乏理性思维,逻辑思维能力不强,他们爱活动、坐不住、坐不久。因低年级小学生学习的这一特点,要顺利完成课堂教学内容,良好的课堂纪律与课堂管理就显得尤为重要。  何谓课堂纪律与课堂管理? 它是指教师为了维持正常的教学活动,开展、鼓励学生积极配合教师,参与学习活动,阻止和处理违纪行为的手段与行为。目的