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海洋科研档案信息.是指海洋科研档案所记载的具体内容。海洋科研档案主要记载了海洋科学研究的技术成就,也记载了海域中的各种海洋环境、海洋要素分布等自然状况及其变化规律。它是一种来之不易的宝贵信息资源,是一种潜在的生产力,亟待人们去开发利用。一、开发利用海洋科研档案信息资源的意义1.开发利用海洋,需要海洋科研档案信息资源。海洋是个巨大的资源宝库。我国既是一个大陆国,又是一个海洋国,海岸线漫长,海域辽阔,海岸带资源和海域资源都很丰富。例如,我国近海大陆架,蕴藏着丰富的矿砂资源;海域的生物资源和海洋能资源也特别丰富,其中包括潮汐能、海浪能、温差能、盐差能、海流能等,这对于开发利用海洋提供了十分有利的条件。随着海洋开发技术的进步,以及某些陆地资源的日益贫乏,在世界范围内出现了开发海洋的热潮,而要开发利用海洋,必须有各种海洋环境以及海域自然状况等档案信息作依据。所以,海洋科研档案信息,是开发利用海洋的必备条件。2.进行海洋科学研究,需要海洋科研档案信息资源。海洋科学研究同其他一切科学研究一样,具有连续性和继承性。新的科研项目,主要是在前人、前次科研成果的基础上,通过进一步观测、调查、分析和研究,进行新的探索,得到新的认识和新的理论,从而不断推动海? Marine scientific research archives information refers to the marine scientific research records of the specific content. Marine scientific research archives mainly record the technical achievements of marine scientific research, and also record the natural conditions and their changing laws of various marine environments and marine elements in the sea. It is a hard-earned and precious resource of information and a potential productivity that urges people to exploit it. First, the development and utilization of marine scientific research files the significance of information resources 1. Development and utilization of the sea, marine scientific research files need information resources. The ocean is a huge treasure trove of resources. My country is both a continental country and a maritime country, with a long coastline and a vast sea area. Both the coastal and marine resources are very rich. For example, China’s continental shelf contains rich ore resources; marine biological resources and marine energy resources are also exceptionally rich, including tidal energy, wave energy, temperature difference energy, salt difference energy and current energy, etc., which are of great significance to the development and utilization of the oceans Very favorable conditions. With the advancement of marine development technology and the increasing depletion of some land resources, there has been a worldwide upsurge of exploiting the oceans. To develop and utilize the oceans, archival information of various marine environments and the natural conditions of the sea must be used as a basis. Therefore, the information of marine scientific research archives is a prerequisite for the development and utilization of the sea. 2. Marine scientific research, the need for marine scientific research archives information resources. Marine scientific research, like all other scientific studies, has continuity and succession. The new scientific research projects, mainly on the basis of our predecessors and the previous achievements in scientific research, make new explorations, new understandings and new theories through further observation, investigation, analysis and research to continuously promote the development of the sea.
从学术史的视角研究苏诗为历代读者所接纳的历程就必须关注这样的问题 :历代苏诗的评价与研究有无规律可循 ?如果有 ,它遵循怎样的规律运行 ?又有哪些因素在制约、支配它的发
自2009年9月1日集结至本期发稿时,国庆60周年警犬技术安检团队在前期准备工作的基础上,召开了动员大会,为工作犬注射了疫苗,开展了有针对性的强化训练,参与了国 Since Septe
日前,森马服饰股份有限公司与靡丽虹服饰(上海)有限公司签订战略合作协议,将全面代理意大利美丽阁(Minconf Spa)公司童装品牌Sarabanda和M inibanda在中国境内的商铺推广、经
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