Saving Strangers:Humanitarian Intervention in International Society

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:initial1985
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  Author: Nicholas J. Wheeler Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
  Extent to which humanitarian intervention has become a legitimate practice in post-cold war international society is the subject of this book. It maps the changing legitimacy of humanitarian intervention by comparing the international response to cases of humanitarian intervention in the cold war and post-cold war periods.
  Each chapter tells a story of intervention that weaves together a study of motives, justifications and outcomes. A key focus is to examine how is humanitarian intervention legitimate in present diplomatic dialogues. The book concludes by considering how far contemporary practices of humanitarian intervention support a new solidarism, and how far this resolves the traditional conflict between order and justice in international society.
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