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  Professor Li Yinhe (李银河), an outspoken advocate for LGBT rights and a respected sociologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, submitted a proposal for the fifth time to lobby the National People's Congress of China to legalize same sex marriage.
  'Homosexual people are Chinese citizens and there are homosexuals who want to get married. Their request should be addressed as it does not run against their civil rights as citizens,' in Li’s proposal said.
  No officials have supported the same sex marriage during Li's previous four lobbies of the NPC. However, overwhelming support was shown through positive comments on Li’s Weibo. “Although [I am] aware there is still a long way to go in safeguarding gay rights in China, [I] still appreciate your relentless efforts,” one comment read. “We were born attracted to people of the same sex; it is not something we choose. Aren't government restrictions on homosexual activities an act of expropriating our right to love?” another user commented.
  There is a large group of homosexual men and women in China, although the number of Chinese identifying as homosexual remains unclear. The Ministry of Health estimated there were 5 to 10 million homosexuals in the Chinese mainland, aged between 15 and 65 in 2004. However, Professor Li Yinhe suggested that the number is much higher and estimated it is between 36 and 48 million. Another statement based on the government documents and academic studies suggested that there were 15 million homosexuals in China. In 2005, the China Daily quoted a report that the number of homosexuals on the Chinese mainland may be about 30 million, but admittedly most Chinese would not openly declare their sexuality.
  Many homosexuals in China have chosen to deny their sexualities. Many have lived in a double life and are reluctant to “come out of the closet”. Why do many Chinese homosexuals decided to “hide behind the closet”? And what is it like being gay in China?
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