来源 :今日中学生(初二版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:romeolg
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  Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to steal a neighbour's doorbell. But he clearly understood that while his hand touched the bell, it would ring and something terrible would happen to him. The ringing could be heard by others. So he covered his ears with something, thinking that everything would be all right and that he could get the doorbell without any trouble. But what happened was that he was caught on the spot for stealing the doorbell of his neighbour.
  Long, long ago, there was a monk(和尚) who always carried water with a pole(扁担) and two barrels(水桶). One day he met another monk who wanted to carry water, too. So they could carry a barrel of water, each using the equal(相等的) force. Later a third monk wanted to join them. But with three monks, a heated quarrel happened and no water could be fetched. What's wrong with them? They each wanted to avoid taking the worst part of the labour and tried to put burden(负担) to the other two. At last they had no water to drink.
  Selfishness(自私) is such a bad quality that it can make people achieve nothing. To bring the work to success we need people to make selfless offers to others.
  Once in the nation of Zheng there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes. He took the measurement of his own feet with a piece of string(绳). Then he went to the market. He was looking at some shoes at the shoe-maker's when he realized he had left the measurement at home. He put down the shoes and rushed home to fetch it.By the time he returned with the measurement the market was already closed. So he failed to get his shoes. Somebody asked him,“Why didn't you just try the shoes on your feet?”He answered,“I trust the measurement I took rather than my feet.”
  One day a boy went to do some shopping. He saw a man roasting sweet potatoes(烤红薯). It smelt so nice that he came near and bought a big piece. It was very hot so he put it at the bottom of his basket. Later, he went to buy some eggs from an old lady who placed the eggs carefully on the sweet potatoes. On his way back home, he heard sounds coming out from the basket. He looked around and decided that the sounds were from his basket. He bent down(弯腰) and found a little chick coming out of a broken egg.
  A very rich man bought a farm and paid more than it was worth because a very old tree was growing there and it was said that the tree was 300 years old. When he was back in the city,many of his people didn't believe the tree was that old,so the new owner called his caretaker(管家) to check the tree's age.
  A few days later, the caretaker reported his finding.“Great news, boss!”He shouted.“This tree is even older than we thought—it's 321 years.”
  “Good work,” said the owner.“How did you know its age?”
  “Simple,”said the caretaker.“We cut it down and counted the rings.”
田星开场白:   雷锋精神中最重要的一点就是言行一致。可是,我们在生活中,常常心里想的,自己做不到;嘴上说的,又和心里想的不一样。这样,就让人误会,被人说成口是心非,使人们有些反感。其实,好多人的口是心非并不是真的口是心非,而是内心纠结导致的。本期,我们就集中探讨这样一个话题——在生活中,怎样让自己言行一致。  莎莎(高县中学):  上初中以后,我很想提高自己的成绩,常常制订学习计划,可是又不遵守
化学老师挺直腰板  咚咚咚  讲桌像乐器被她的手指敲击  讲桌疼得全身颤抖  试管里的白色液体吓得左右摇晃  我看着试卷上的红色钩叉  真希望它全部消失  或者希望它悄悄潜伏到讲桌上  把试管中的液体染上红色  铃声响起  我把课桌塞进书包  带着它骑上马飞奔去草原  我一定不会再在它背上写作文  担心草原上的孩子会捂着嘴笑  牛羊们欢声叫着  丢掉 快丢掉  把时间 人物 地点 事件通通忘掉  
近年来的中考题中,反比例函数与面积“同行”的问题屡见不鲜. 解答它们,方法因题而异. 有的只要考查反比例函数图象上有关点的横坐标与纵坐标的乘积,有的却要求出反比例函数图象上有关点的坐标的具体数值. 下面介绍几例,供同学们参考.
他是著名诗人、小说家、画家、文化“说书人”,更是台湾家喻户晓的“美学布道者”。“美学”在很多人看来高不可攀、雅不可耐,但他硬是把这样一个“冷门”的话题讲到了千家万户。  他就是蒋勋。  他说:“我最喜欢的老师就是佛陀。佛陀一生没有著作,一生都在讲课,最后一课,他什么都没有讲,只拿了一朵花给大家看,说自己这一生所讲的课都在这一朵花里了,如果你懂得这一朵花,你就懂得了我讲的课。”  他又将如何从花谈美
香港文艺片比较出名的女导演有二张,张婉婷和张艾嘉。  1998年张婉婷导演了《玻璃之城》,而1999年张艾嘉导演了《心动》。她们的电影在细节处理方面总有异曲同工之处:同样女性柔软的视觉,同样倒叙和插叙的叙事口吻,主人公同样逃不脱的宿命,甚至同样的香港时刻1997年,以及片中夹杂着的大时代下香港人对政治的理解。  错开,永远达不到彼岸的感情是二张文艺片各自所表达的主旨。二张的片子没有陈可辛《甜蜜蜜》
每天早晨5点30分起床,这个习惯,爸爸已经坚持了近4年,以至于每天早晨,无论天晴下雨,只要在家,我都会在5点30分准时醒来,等待咔嚓的关门声,然后继续睡觉。直到高中住校以后,几乎花了1年的时间我才改掉准时在5点30分醒来的习惯。所谓一家人,所谓幸福,也就是那“咔嚓”一声的习惯吧。  爸爸这个习惯的养成其实源于我。  6岁那年,我来到了爸爸身边,而此前,我生活在另外一个家庭里,那个家庭给我最深的印象