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一、读句子看联系识规律从读句入手,弄清句子与句子之间的联系,进而把每个自然段的内容弄懂,这是段的训练起步,要扎实打好基础。如(翠鸟)第一自然段,以“它的颜色非常鲜艳”为总起句,分述了翠鸟头部、背部、腹部的颜色。学习这一段,让学生理解第一句是第一层,总的叙述:翠鸟颜色非常鲜艳;第二、三、四句是第二层,具体叙述了翠鸟颜色的鲜艳。这种段的结构形式为“总分”式。学习后让学生以这种段式结构写《燕子》,可以从燕子的颜色、样子两方面围绕中心句来写。二、读段落循规律促仿写中年级阅读教学中从段式结构入手,抓住段的结构,把读段、写段训练紧密结合。读段中授以学生段式中所蕴含的易学的写作技巧,指导学生进行段式结构对应仿写。由读学写,以读促写,读写并举。如《美丽的小兴安岭》第二自然段的“树木长叶, First, read the sentence to see the rules of association Knowing the sentence to start with, to find out the relationship between the sentence and the sentence, and then understand the contents of each section, which is the beginning of the training segment, to lay a solid foundation. For example, the first part of the kingfisher (Kingfisher) begins with a statement that “its color is very bright”, which summarizes the color of the kingfisher's head, back and abdomen. Learn this paragraph, so that students understand the first sentence is the first floor, the general narrative: Kingfisher color is very bright; second, third and fourth sentence is the second floor, a detailed description of the bright colors Kingfisher. This section of the structure of the form of “total score”. After learning, students should write “Swallows” in this kind of segmented structure, which can be written around the central sentence from the colors of the swallows and the appearances. Second, read the passage of law to promote imitation Writing middle-grade reading teaching start with the paragraph structure, seize the structure of the segment, the reading segment, paragraph training combined closely. In the course of reading, students are taught the easy-to-learn writing skills contained in the student's paragraph style to guide students to imitate and write the corresponding paragraph structure. From reading to writing to read and write, read and write simultaneously. Such as “the beautiful Little Hinggan Ling” second paragraph of the natural "trees long leaves,
三、脑血管痉挛后的病理生理学改变 根据血液动力学特性脑动脉可分为两种类型:一种是位于脑表面的较粗大导动脉,主要指Willis环及其一、二级动脉分支,能为血管造影所见;另一