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  His death at an early age has led some to call him the “1)James Dean” of martial arts cinema. He combined a dancer’s grace with deadly skill. Despite the prejudice he experienced, he helped bring martial arts to America and sought to build a cultural bridge between East and West. His life was marked by fighting with external enemies and battling inner demons. His mysterious death only added to the 2)enigma of his life. He was the one and only Bruce Lee.
  Lee: My last name is Lee, Bruce Lee. I was born in San Francisco in 1940. My martial arts is, in Cantonese, Jeet Kune Do—The way of the 3)intercepting fist. In case you have missed the recent news, Jeet Kune Do, of which I am the founder, has been elected and accepted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame in America. This marks the first time a recently developed form of martial art is nationally accepted. No, Jeet Kune Do is not thousands or even hundreds of years old. It started in around 1965 by a dedicated and intensified man called Bruce Lee, and my martial art is something that no serious martial artist can ignore.
  Lee’s prentice: In the beginning he used the 4)Wi Chun as the base system or the first system, but as time went on, he went away from that, started to extract different things from different systems and put it to his personal use. He’s saying using no way as the way; you are the way. Okay? Then he’d say, using no limitation as a limitation—that’s a concept in Jeet Kune Do—that means I don’t limit myself to a Philipino style or an Indonesian style or Malaysian style. I use what is useful for me, because, at certain times a certain art may be useful under a certain environment.
  Lee: To me, OK, to me, ultimately martial art means honestly expressing yourself. Now it is very difficult to do. I mean it is easy for me to put on a show and be 5)cocky, yeah, and be flooded with a cocky feeling and then feel like pretty cool, why not then? Or I can make all kinds of 6)phony things, you see what I mean—blinded by it—or I can show you some really fancy movement. But, to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself, and to express myself honestly, that, my friend, is very hard to do.
  Lee’s son: I started training with my dad really as soon as I could walk. I mean, my dad was a really 7)diligent trainer; he always had people over at the house practicing. My dad had a circle of students that were close to him, so they were friends of our family, and one of those men, 8)Dan Inosanto, continued to be my teacher, so it’s kind of a nice unbroken line. I have his books at home with all of his underlining and his notes in them and it’s fascinating to see where he drew his … his sources from. I remember he always used to say that you want to try and absorb what is useful, 9)discard what is useless and add what is essentially your own, you know, Hmm … and that was kind of his 10)credo in creating Jeet Kune Do.
  The legend of Bruce Lee continues as new fans discover the skill, the wit and the philosophy of this remarkable performer. Those who call him the Chinese “James Dean” or the “11)Gene Kelly” of martial arts movies, ultimately underrate him. He defies such comparisons. While Lee defined the kung fu film, off-screen he helped revolutionize the martial arts. But as Lee himself often said, his first interest was in martial arts, with his films and acting career coming second. Already a 12)cult figure at the time of his death, his legend has only continued to grow over the years. He truly remains “the Immortal Dragon”.



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