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在教学实践中,笔者尝试结合英语课的学科特点、不同学段学生的身心特点和学习要求以及课时教学目标,开展凸显学科特点、学段特点和学生特色的启动活动。根据活动的特点,笔者将启动活动主要分为以下三类。一、养成型启动活动良好的课堂纪律是顺利完成一节课的基本保障,而良好的学习习惯将使学生的学习事半功倍,尤其是在低中年级,学生处于学习英语的初始阶段,我们可以利用启动活动渗透良好的英语学习习惯。如在启动阶段开展师生对英语口令的活动。下面是一些适合低中年级 In teaching practice, the author attempts to combine the characteristics of English subjects, the physical and psychological characteristics and learning requirements of students in different sections and the teaching objectives during classes, and launch activities that highlight the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the students and the characteristics of the students. According to the characteristics of the activities, I will start activities are divided into the following three categories. First, the formation of good start-up activities Classroom discipline is the basic guarantee for the successful completion of a class, and good learning habits will enable students to learn more with less, especially in the lower grades, the students are in the initial stage of learning English, we can Use startup activities to penetrate good English learning habits. Such as in the start-up phase teachers and students to English password activities. Here are some suitable for lower grades
成立于1932年的乐高(LEGO)公司是全球四大玩具制造商之一,总部设在丹麦(Denmark),至今已有80多年的发展历史了。LEGO(乐高)一词源自丹麦语“leg godt”的缩写,意思是play wel
笔者最近观摩了市教学大比武对译林新版《英语》五年级下册Unit 5 Helping our parents中Grammar time板块的教学,有一节课的设计理念让人耳目一新,笔者从中获得一些启发.本
第一幕:音乐教室,教室的一角放着一个倒计时牌子,上面写着:距离合唱比赛还有一天!Monitor:The Chorus Competition is coming.As we know,Miss Chen is sick for training us
在学习语言过程中,学习者对音素的敏锐度,是学好语言的关键。那么,教师该如何充分利用教材中的Let’s spell开展语音教学,帮助学生熟悉英语语音,觉察出每个单词是由数个不同
角色:W=Willy(Wolf)S=Shaun(Little Sheep)T=Teacher(Old Sheep)场景与道具:小羊、羊女士、狼头饰各一个,背包内装黑色羊毛马甲一件和羊角发箍一个。第一幕:上学路上,偶遇小
教学过程Step 1.Warming up Sing a song:“If you are happy”If you are happy,stand up and say hello to the teachers.If you are happy,clap your hands.If you are ha