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面对新世纪首都建设“新三步走”的战略目标,面对率先基本实现农业和农村现代化的艰巨任务,郊区各级党组织和党员干部必须增强工作的紧迫感,站在时代的前列,切实肩负起率领郊区群众,推进现代化建设的历史重任。按照市委的工作安排,扎扎实实地搞好“三个代表”的学习教育活动,是今年农村基层组织建设的重中之重。学习教育活动要讲求针对性,有的放矢。第一,要通过“三个代表”重要思想学习教育活动,促进党在农村各项工作的进展,进一步提高党组织在农村工作中的凝聚力和战斗力,提高党在人民群众中的形象和威信。围绕率先基本实现农业和农村现代化的目标,继续深入开展“五好村党支部”、“六好乡镇党委”、基层组织建设先进区县的“三级联创”活动。第二,要通过“三个代表”重要思想学习教育活动,加强对农村精神文明建设的领导。搞好农村的科技普及工作,采取多种形式丰富农民的文化生活,满足农民的精神需求,引导农民 Confronted with the arduous task of basically taking the lead in realizing the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, the party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in the suburbs must step up their sense of urgency in the face of the strategic goal of building a capital city and “three new steps” in the new century. In the forefront, we must shoulder the historic task of leading the masses in the suburbs and promoting the modernization drive. According to the work arrangements of the municipal party committee, doing a good job in studying and educating the “three represents” in a down-to-earth manner is the most important task in the construction of grassroots organizations in rural areas this year. Learning and education activities should focus on targeted, targeted. First, we must learn from the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ study and education activities, promote the party’s progress in all aspects of rural work, further enhance the cohesion and fighting power of party organizations in rural work, and enhance the party’s image among the people prestige. Focusing on the goal of basically realizing the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, we will continue to carry out activities such as the “Five-Village Party Branch”, the “Party Committee of Liuhao Township” and the “Three-Level Joint Creation” activities of grass-roots organizations in building advanced districts and counties. Second, we must study and educate through the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and strengthen our leadership over the construction of rural spiritual civilization. We will do a good job in popularizing science and technology in rural areas, enrich the cultural life of peasants in various forms, meet the spiritual needs of peasants, and guide peasants
随着时代的发展,以网络和多媒体为核心的信息技术已成了学生观察世界、探究世界、拓宽视野的一种现代便利工具。现代信息技术以它的交互性、广博性、便捷性为科学课堂打开了新视野,使学习过程成为学生积累科学文化底蕴的过程。  一、现代信息技术在小学科学教学中应用的意义  (一)现代信息技术在小学科学教学中的应用,有利于提高课堂教学质量  科学教材中的许多内容涉及到一些原理、规律性的东西,例如:地球的公转和自转
活动目标  1、引发幼儿关注自然现象的兴趣,激发其探究欲望。  2、培养幼儿认真倾听的习惯,培养其初步感受和欣赏文学作品的能力。  3、帮助幼儿理解故事内容,感知水和蒸汽互变的现象。  活动  准备 电脑动画《小水滴旅行记》、烧杯、酒精灯、架子、火机、胶膜等小实验材料、字卡卡若干、录音带、录音机。  活动过程及内容 自我完善  一、观看小实验,引出活动内容  1、观看小实验:液体变气体(观察法、联