Teaching English Listening Effectively in Chinese TESOL Classrooms

来源 :新课程改革与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Kimyueyue
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  . Listening in language teaching refers to a complex process that allows us to understand spoken language. It’s not only a skill area in language performance,but is also a critical means of acquiring a second language.
  . The problem of how to teach English listening effectively and get students to improve their listening skills has always been under fierce controversies since the New Curriculum of English Teaching in Chinese Secondary Schools was put into practice. Some believe that listening practice should be focused on the “test” situation,whereas a large proportion of teachers regard listening as one of the four basic skills of English learning,therefore,attention ought to be drawn to the long-term development and strategies of students individually,to which the author strongly agree. However,in order to develop students’ strategies for listening,the teacher should provide a structure to listening tasks in the classroom and help students feel more confident. In this essay,the author intends to focus on the vital elements in listening teaching process and by combining the theories with the present situations of Chinese English classrooms,acquire a general overview of English listening teaching in TESOL classrooms.
  . This essay is divided into the following three parts:
  . Firstly,it discusses the three periods in the listening-teaching task cycle,i.e.,pre-task,task- and post-task;
  . Second,it relates the theories and strategies to the author’s practical teaching application;
  . Thirdly,it indicates some important strategies fir developing Chinese students’ English listening skills.
  Main Body
  . Literary Review
  I. Procedures and detailed activities chaining the flow-chart of Task-feedback Circle
  According to Jim Scrivener(2005),there are three guidelines in the task-feedback circle. First,grade the task rather than the material. Second,task first — then text or tape. And,finally,process rather than product. In his opinion,a basic working procedure for lessons on listening skills should be divided into the following three parts:pre-task,task,and post-task.
  1. Pre-task
  This is usually conducted by a pre-listening introduction to the topic of listening,such as discussion,vocabulary teaching,looking at pictures and describing,and sometimes some proper and relevant reading. All of these activities convey the function of lead-in to the topic.
  2. Task
  After the setting of a clear task and pre-task work,comes the central task,the most important part of the whole activity. According to Penny Ur(1996),there are three main categories of tasks:short tasks,longer tasks and extended tasks. Short tasks include True or False exercises,answering questions,finding mistakes,cloze,matching,guessing definitions,ticking items,and following instructions,just to name a few. The longer tasks are more complicated and time ought to be carefully assumed beforehand,which include item like answering more complex questions,note-taking,paraphrasing,translating,summarising,longer gap-fill,etc. Finally,the most demanding and time-consuming tasks are the extended,among these are interpretation,discussion,problem-solving and follow-on tasks. It’s also very important for the teacher to play the recording a sufficient number of times,and even to break down longer recordings into “chunks”. In addition to these,the author is particularly obsessed with the method of “intelligent guessing”,which is quite an effective and efficient way of prediction. In this way,students’ interests are aroused immediately,so that students won’t lose heart and avoid becoming indifferent to listening,because interest is the fundamental layer of listening.
  3. Post-task
  After the listening activities,it’s important and necessary to get a feedback on this very task. It can be either students to students or students to teacher,in the forms of discussion,matching exercise,completing a sample of application form,and so on. However,one thing that the teacher must bear in mind is not to throw in a whole pile of extra questions,at this point,otherwise students may get confused and discouraged,thus losing their interest on English listening from now on. And as an efficient way of improving listening skills,it is always vital for the teacher to conclude and summarize the previous activities. He or she can tie up loose ends,make good preparations for follow-on activities,review what has been learned,etc.,to leave a deep impression of the relevant knowledge on the students.
  II. Strategies applied for developing listening skills
  Penny Ur(1996) believes that there are four elementary factors in the most effective strategies used for developing listening skills. The first one is recognition of context,lexis,grammar structures,register,etc. Next comes selection of structures within the listening to help complete the task and those that are redundant. The third strategy is prediction—what can students expect to hear? And finally,inferred meaning,which means it’s not important to understand everything. It emphasizes on what the students can infer from the listening about language that they don’t know. It is important for the teacher to take all these into thorough consideration in order to help our students develop listening strategies and skills that they can use both in and outside the classroom.
  . Chinese context
  The author has applied the effective method of “intelligent guessing” in the actual teaching activities. In the English high school English course book,there is a unit named “Environment”. Before doing the listening exercise in this unit,the author lets students predict the tendency of the contemporary and future environmental development. Combining with the information from all kinds of media and their knowledge,students immediately guessed the attitude and connotation of this listening exercise. By this means,the efficiency of listening is rapidly improved.
  In another English class in practical teaching,the author applies the method of eliciting before the actual task of listening to a short dialogue. The title of this listening exercise is called “future transportation”,so the author elicits the possible sentence patterns and tenses that might be mentioned in this listening. The students think of words like “spaceship”,“aeroplane”,“UFO”,“motorboat”,etc. And they easily work out the tenses that would be most commonly used in this listening:the future simple,the future continuous,and the future prefect tenses. Then the author writes down these structures on the blackboard. Afterwards,the students take about five minutes to do some drillings. Then their first major task is to do some True or False exercise. After listening for the second time,they have to fill in the gaps the missing words or phrases and do the pair-checking work. Then,after the third time,the author asks some detailed questions related to the text. After the whole listening activity,the students have a heated discussion on choosing their favourite means of future transportation. Students think highly of this whole series of activities and learn a lot from the lesson.
  . Conclusion
  In this essay,the whole process of a listening class is degenerated and divided into three parts:pre-task,task,and post-task. And on the basis of these segments,the relative solutions and examples are put forward,just to give a possible suggestion on how to teach an English listening class in Chinese TESOL classrooms. Apart from these,four supplementary strategies are listed,subordinate to the category of improving listening skills. The author strongly recommends applying these strategies and methods in practical English teaching in Chinese TESOL classes.,especially the strategies of eliciting,intelligent guessing and prediction. These not only stimulate students’ motivation,but also enhance not only students’ fundamental listening skills and therefore improve students’ listening effectively. The author acquires these effective theories and strategies at the University of Brighton in UK,and sincerely hopes that this essay could be of some help to the teachers that are striving for improving their students’ English listening skills.
在高中阅读课的教学中应如何调动学生学习的主观能动性,激发学生的主体意识,以达到培养学生能力、提高学生素质的目的呢?     1 设计提问,激发学生的主体思维  问题设计是英语阅读教学的重要手段,是帮助学生理解、鉴赏文章的切入点。教师设计问题,要遵循循序渐近的原则,要把问题建筑在学生的注意力和兴趣之上,服务于全面提高学生素质水平的目标需要。   高中英语课文大多篇幅较长。课文内容参透了丰富的审美以及
“学生创造性思维能力的提高是教育的最终目标。”想像是创新思维中最具活力的因素之一。正是有了想像,人类才能够超越常规思维的约束,冲破现有知识经验的局限,以大胆、奇特的方式对所要解决的问题进行创造性的探索,找出解决问题的途径。所以说,想像构成了创新的基础,是一种极其可贵的思维品质。阅读教学中,笔者尝试从下面三个方面来培养学生的想像力。    1 激活文字,创设形象  阅读教学中,教师的任务之一就是引导
创新教育对广大生物教师提出了更新、更高的要求。作为生物教师,应如何适应创新教育的要求?是值得我们共同思考的问题。本文谈谈作者对这一问题的认识。     1 更新教育观念   生物教师应树立创新教育理念,只有在创新教育理念的指导下,才会采用创新方法,培养创新人才。教师要变传统“标准件”型教育观为创新型教育观;变“师道尊严”为师生民主平等的师生观;变应试教育观为素质教育观;变传授知识的教学观为培养学生
十七大的教育方针:“坚持育人为本、德育为先,实施素质教育,提高教育现代化水平,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,办好人民满意的教育”。  毛主席曾提出:“我们的教育方针,应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者”。  陶行知先生也曾说过:“道德是做人的根本一环,纵然你有一些学问和本领,也无甚用处”。   可见,德育是整个教育的灵魂。如何坚持德
开展创新教育、培养青少年的创新精神、开发他们的创造力,已成为学校教育的重要任务。作为任课教师应着力研究、探讨学科教学中创新能力培养的途径及方法。初中化学教学中如何培养学生的创新能力呢?     1 创设情境,激发创新意识   创新教育需要生动活泼、和谐民主的教育氛围。教师要为学生创新意识的培养创设一个适宜的情境、温馨宽容的气氛,让学生在情绪上放松,在思维上积极,没有压抑感,能愉悦地敞开自己的心灵,
1 问题的提出  新的《普通高中生物课程标准》非常注重科学史教育和科学精神的培养。然而在当前的生物教学中,这一理念并没有得到有效的贯彻。基于这个现状,笔者结合自身的教学尝试,选取“科学、技术与社会的关系”领域中“科学史”这一主题,阐述科学在生物课中如何来渗透科学史的教学途径。    2 生物课中渗透科学史教育的途径  《课标》的一个重要特色,就是明确地将“科学、技术和社会的关系”作为生物学教育内容
学校教育德为首,当前青少年的思想道德教育已成为学校、家庭、社会共同关注的焦点。而中学物理学科以其严密的科学性、深刻的人文性为思想道德教育提供了丰富的素材。如何充分利用学科资源,寓思想道德教育于学科教学之中,使知识传授与思想教育相得益彰,应成为我们物理教师探索的重要课题之一。以下是我从教多年来,在物理教学中对如何渗透德育教育的几点看法。    1 物理学科知识中蕴含着大量的德育教育素材  首先,我国
从近几年的高考情况来看,电学实验每年必考。除了考察课本中的学生分组实验,更多的是设计型实验。题目源于教材,却又不同于教材中的实验。注重考察学生的创新思维能力和应变能力,使大部分学生束手无策,失分惨痛。针对此种情况,现总结如下:  设计电学实验的电路时,主要涉及到以下几个方面:    1 电路的选择  变阻器的分压与限流接法,通常有以下三种情况必须考虑分压电路:  ①题目要求电压或电流从零开始,或要