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  For many years people have considered the “typical” cheerleader to be a blond, 1)anorexic, 2)dim-witted 3)tramp, who can’t tell right from her left. A cheerleader’s two biggest concerns are, (supposedly) herself and the boys she is cheering for.
  As for me, I am an athletic junior in high school, who enjoys cheerleading. I have to face the stereotypes and jokes every day because people can’t look beyond the common misconception. I hear these 4)jests from students, 5)faculty and other adults. People have made me feel embarrassed and even dirty for being a cheerleader.
  Cheerleading is one tiny portion of my life, which has helped me in many ways. Not only does it keep me in shape, it has built my confidence to perform for a crowd. It has also introduced me to a new group of friends, friends whom I would never label as stereotypical cheerleaders.

  Many don’t understand the effort that goes into cheerleading. We don’t just show up at a game and cheer. There is a lot of physical training in this sport. Yes, I said “sport”. We practice many hours each week and perform at every game, just like the athletes. We cheer, come rain or shine. During practices we stretch, run and jump to keep ourselves in condition. We are constantly lifting people in mounts and can end up at the bottom of the pile when the 6)stunt collapses. Cheerleading is about bonding and girls learning to trust one another. From personal experience, I can say that being on the top of a 7)pyramid is not as easy at it looks!
  I think of myself as a 8)well-rounded individual, involved in many activities. I’m committed to student council and an active member of community clubs. Some cheerleaders are 9)flaky, 10)self-absorbed and easy, but not because they’re cheerleaders. These types can be found in every school activity, since these are not qualities “required” for cheerleading.
  I wish cheerleaders would get more recognition for their real qualities, rather than the ones of the prevailing stereotype. When the girls are on the field, they’re there to perform for the crowd. They are perceived as 11)airheads because they jump around and scream. All of that is to 12)psyche up the crowd. Most leave that behind when they walk off the field. The next time you see a girl in uniform, remember that it is only a costume. Open your eyes to the real girl, look past her outfit, forget the stereotype and get to know her for who she really is.

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