在未来1~2年内,欧债问题的传导是全球金融体系和经济所面临的最大风险。全球经济的最大风险欧债问题的规模远大于几个月以前。在三五个月以前,市场主要担心的还是希腊的国债违约,现在则更担心西班牙、意大利的问题。不论从G D P总量,还是国债余额大小的角度来看,一旦西班牙和意大利出现债务违约风险,其问题远远要比希腊、葡萄牙大得多。希腊的GDP是欧元区GDP总量的2%,而意大利则是欧元区的第三大经
In the next 1 to 2 years, the transmission of the European debt issue is the biggest risk to the global financial system and economy. The biggest risk of the global economy The scale of the European debt problem is much larger than a few months ago. Three to five months ago, the main concern in the market was the default of Greek government bonds, and now they are even more worried about the problems in Spain and Italy. From the point of view of the total GDP or the balance of government bonds, once the risks of debt default in Spain and Italy are far greater than those in Greece and Portugal. Greece’s GDP is 2% of the total GDP of the euro area, while Italy is the euro zone’s third-largest