
来源 :河北水产科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fukuilover123
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为了探索栉孔扇贝在秦皇岛海区夏季大批死亡的原因,在近两年来的工作基础上,1982年我们在室内外进行了(八)组对比观察试验,结果表明:东姜庄养殖区的扇贝死亡与该海区夏季水温偏高和养殖方法有密切关系,与水的混浊度无关。海区试验历时106天,从观侧的结果看:(1) 不同养殖密度扇贝的存活率有所不同,挤塑网笼的养殖密度以120个/笼以下为宜。(2) 不同规格的扇贝对外界环境适应能力也有所不同,小个体扇贝的存活率比大个体高。(3) 底层扇贝生存率较其它水层高。(4) 孔径1厘米的小网目网笼中的扇贝存活率较孔径2—3厘米的为高。(5) 开放式的粘贴养存活率可达100%,而封闭式笼养又因养殖器材不同而有差异,以挤塑网笼养殖存活率最低。(6)自然海区笼养的扇贝,当水温升至25℃以上,体弱个体开始死亡,随温度上升死亡速度加快,水温下降至25℃—23℃死亡速度减慢,23℃以下扇贝恢复正常。开放式养殖的扇贝,能适应较高水温,在旬平均水温26.9℃的条件下,生长正常。(7) 在室内人为条件下,水温升至26℃时第16天开始死亡,随温度上升死亡速度增快,水温27℃时半数死亡量时间为25天,28℃时半数死亡量时间为18.5天,31℃时半数死亡量时间仅2.5天。(8) 扇贝在混浊度180克/m~3的条件下,饲养14天生活正常。 In order to explore the reason why the chlamys farrers killed a large number of summer in Qinhuangdao sea area, based on the work of the past two years, in 1982 we conducted a comparative observation test in (8) group indoor and outdoor, the results showed that the scallops died It is closely related to the high summer temperatures in the sea area and breeding methods, and has nothing to do with the turbidity of water. The sea trial lasts for 106 days. From the results of the observation, (1) The survival rates of different culture density scallops are different, and the culture density of the extruded cage is less than 120 cages per cage. (2) Scallops of different specifications have different adaptability to the external environment, and the survival rate of small individual scallops is higher than that of large individuals. (3) The survival rate of the scallop is higher than that of other water layers. (4) The scallop in the small mesh cage with a diameter of 1 cm survived more than 2-3 cm in diameter. (5) open-paste survival rate of up to 100%, while the closed-capped cage culture because there are differences between equipment, to squeeze the lowest survival cage culture. (6) In the natural sea area, the scallops caught in the natural sea area began to die when the water temperature rose above 25 ℃. The death rate increased as the temperature increased. The water temperature dropped to 25 ℃ -23 ℃, the death rate slowed down, and the scallops below 23 ℃ recovered normal. Open culture of scallops, to adapt to the higher water temperature, average temperature of ten days in the conditions of 26.9 ℃, the growth of normal. (7) Under indoor man-made conditions, the water began to die on the 16th day when the water temperature rose to 26 ℃, the death rate increased with the rise of the temperature, the half of the time of death was 25 days when the water temperature was 27 ℃, and the half of the time of death was 28 ℃ 18.5 days, half the number of deaths at 31 ℃ only 2.5 days. (8) Scallops in normal conditions with a turbidity of 180 g / m ~ 3 and kept for 14 days.