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二十一世纪人类已步入知识经 济时代,知识已成为一个国家富强 的源泉,推进高新技术转化生产力,将科研成果产业化、市场化、知识经济才能真正发挥其重要作用。 位于北京的机械工业部仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所是一所以基础技术及综合技术经济研究为主的科研单位。该所成立于 In the 21st century, mankind has stepped into the era of knowledge economy, and knowledge has become a source of prosperity and strength for a country. Promoting high-tech transformation of productive forces will enable industrialization, marketization, and knowledge economy of scientific research products to truly play an important role. The Institute of Instrumentation and Integrated Technology and Economic Research of the Ministry of Machinery Industry in Beijing is a scientific research unit based on basic technology and comprehensive technical and economic research. The institute was established in
由江苏省常州市三利电器公司董事长吴荣华发明的“三相工频电磁感应加热装置” ,日前获得国家知识产权局颁发的专利证书 ,这一装置能将电能转化为磁热能。据介绍 ,这项装置由
Chinese’s Academy ofSciences has recently announcedan RD project of a pilot plantscale process on the basis of theFischer-Tropsch synthesistechnology developed
CNPC has made great progress in its production and businesses during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period with discoveries of a large number of oil and gas fields. T
(Nov. 2, 2001, Beijing)Shell ChinaBV(50 per cent) and Sinopec Corp. (50per cent) today signed a co-operationagreement to form a joint venture toconstruct and op
21st century is an era with manydevelopment opportunities for Asia. It’sthe for Asia, particularly for developingcountries in this region to be away frompovert
CHINERGAZ是法国燃气系统几个企业的一种联合机构,其中最大的企业是法国燃气公司。 法国的燃气工业,在燃气工程、设备制造及相关工业领域,从人工煤气到天然气,都积累了丰富的经验。法国从60