
来源 :橡塑技术与装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong583
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2000年3月26日,益阳橡胶塑料机械集团有限公司1台GK型密炼机正式发往法国米其林日本轮胎公司,这是该公司继3月中旬与南非签订国内首台大平板硫化机出口合同后,又1台大型橡机产品出口国外。 益阳橡胶塑料机械集团有限公司一贯重视把引进国外先进技术和消化吸收、 On March 26, 2000, Yiyang Rubber & Plastics Machinery Group Co., Ltd. formally sent a GK mixer to Michelin Japan Tire Company. This is the company’s first large flat vulcanizer export contract signed with South Africa in mid-March. Another large-scale rubber machine product is exported abroad. Yiyang Rubber & Plastics Machinery Group Co., Ltd. has always attached great importance to the introduction of foreign advanced technologies and digestion and absorption.
今日的“昌林气囊”今日的“昌林气囊”已是济南昌林气囊容器厂在全国响亮的品牌。在船舶上下水领域和船用充气靠球领域 ,“昌林气囊”经受住了一次又一次的严峻的实用考验。
The project-New GatheringCenter 27 and 28 with a 260kilometr-long pipeline for the oilfield in the western part of Kuwait,contracted by China PetroleumEngineeri
由江苏省常州市三利电器公司董事长吴荣华发明的“三相工频电磁感应加热装置” ,日前获得国家知识产权局颁发的专利证书 ,这一装置能将电能转化为磁热能。据介绍 ,这项装置由
Chinese’s Academy ofSciences has recently announcedan RD project of a pilot plantscale process on the basis of theFischer-Tropsch synthesistechnology developed
CNPC has made great progress in its production and businesses during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period with discoveries of a large number of oil and gas fields. T
(Nov. 2, 2001, Beijing)Shell ChinaBV(50 per cent) and Sinopec Corp. (50per cent) today signed a co-operationagreement to form a joint venture toconstruct and op
21st century is an era with manydevelopment opportunities for Asia. It’sthe for Asia, particularly for developingcountries in this region to be away frompovert