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  Happiest Youngsters最快乐的年轻人
  This really is a new generation: 1)pragmatic, sociable and open-minded. Young Dutch people are the happiest in Europe, according to a 2)UNICEF survey. They’re eager to progress in life, but they don’t want to change anything.
  Klaus Hurrelmann (Prof. of Public Health and Education): (via translator) The willingness of young people to become adults is evident. It happens when they’re between 11 and 15 years of age. But it occurs at the cost of being creative or rebellious. There’s no criticism of society—they take it as it is. They’re not interested in politics. It’s a very 3)apolitical generation.
  Twelve-year-olds going out and socializing without their parents doesn’t seem to be an issue. The Netherlands has relatively high incomes and a growth rate of under two children per family. Young people spend a total of €85 million a month, almost twice the purchasing power of the previous generation.
  Proud German Teens自豪的德国青少年
  Germany went football mad during the World Cup in South Africa. It was a time for 4)flag-waving and being German with pride. Patriotism isn’t a dirty word for these youngsters in 5)Bonn. Germany is all about having a good time.
  For some people, the World Cup was just one of the many opportunities to show their German identity; 6)unencumbered and energetic.
  German Girl 1:(via translator) There are enough things to be proud of in Germany. It’s not just the World Cup. Every year there’s something we can be proud of. If you look for something, you’ll find it. That’s true for every country and for Germany as well.
  So is there a new sense of Germanness beyond football? The answer to that question is clear for this school band in Bonn. They watched the World Cup but are more concerned with another icon of this year’s Germany.
  7)Satellite, sung by Lena Meyer-Landrut, took the Eurovision Song Contest by storm. Lena’s victory was a release for Germans wanting a channel to celebrate their country.
  German Girl 2: (via translator) I was really happy for Lena and for Germany because we had won again at last.
  Despite all the joy, the question of Germany’s past is never far away. It’s necessary to face up to it, but that alone is not enough.
  Peter Brandt (Historian, Hagen University): (via translator) You can’t 8)anchor a democratic consciousness if it’s based solely on a negative perception of identity.
  So success in soccer and music are positive symbols for identification with the home country, but they’re not enough to bind a new generation to democratic principles.
  Roland Eckert (Sociologist, Trier University): (via translator) The question of whether or not we’ll be able to bind and limit this willingness to identify with the essentials of democratic and 9)constitutional order is an open one. It’s not secured yet.
  But it may be that today’s youngsters are being 10)underestimated; they look more to the future than the past.
  German Boy: (via translator) The German past is the German past. I mean we shouldn’t forget it—definitely not—but you can see that we are a good nation, too. We are a great nation! We can do well at the World Cup, so the past is the past and the future is the future.
  And it’s their future. These youngsters are Germany’s future, but first they celebrate their team in South Africa in the black, red and gold of the German flag.
  洛兰德·艾克特 (特里尔大学社会学家):(通过翻译)至于我们能否联合并约束大众发自内心的、对民主和法治秩序之本的认同感,这个问题仍有待商榷,仍未有十足的信心。
终将踏出校门,心中充满憧憬与向往,但师兄师姐们的叹息让你心里七上八下。    你的心事我知道,象牙塔里整四载,看不懂世间人情世故;   你的心事我知道,你学有专长,却担心无用武之地;  你的心事我知道,十多年来与同学嘻嘻哈哈,却害怕日后同事的冷漠、老板的斥责;   你的心事我知道,熬过了学校的坎坷,优越感却正逐渐转为失落感甚至挫败感;  你的心事我知道,心中有无数个问号,但却没有几个实在的答案。 
I am a kind word 1)uttered and repeated   By the voice of Nature;   I am a star fallen from the   Blue tent upon the green carpet.   I am the daughter of the elements   With whom Winter 2)conceived;  
在20世纪70年代的英国,三个蓝领好友整天过着互相逗乐、喝酒泡妞的生活。弗雷迪厌倦了蓝领阶级又脏又累的工作,他去应聘保险推销员,幻想着一天能住豪宅开劳斯莱斯;布鲁斯则是个玩世不恭的家伙,他痛恨自己懦弱的父亲,痛恨一切,打架是他惯用的发泄方式;而斯诺克则是个其貌不扬、口不择言的胖子,他幻想着自己是Elton John,幻想着早晚有一天会泡上漂亮的姑娘。  弗雷迪看到同事迈克为了得到保单巧舌如簧,漠视
斯蒂格·拉森(Stieg Larsson)是瑞典作家与新闻记者。他曾任职于瑞典中央新闻通讯社,并于工作之余投身反法西斯主义的活动。1995年,他创办了Expo基金会,并自1999年开始担任基金会同名杂志主编。由于他长期致力于揭发瑞典极右派组织的不法行为,多年来一直受到或轻或重的死亡恐吓与威胁。“千禧”系列小说中总是积极捍卫社会正义、不求个人名利的男主角,几乎就是拉森本人的化身。  拉森从2001年
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, “If I could only see the world, I
来自英格兰赫里福郡的埃莉·古尔丁(Ellie Goulding)是当今英国乐坛的超人气新星。1986年12月30日出生的她,以轻盈、活泼、真情奔放的电子民谣(Folktronica)乐风征服了广大乐迷和乐评人。2010年,Ellie先是当仁不让地登上BBC新闻网站评选的“Sound of 2010”(2010年流行新声音)榜首,接着再获全英音乐奖的“Critics’ Choice”(乐评首选大奖)
当年美剧《老友记》在中国受到热捧时,就有人出来泼冷水:那远远不是美国真实生活的写照。而国内年轻人了解甚少的百老汇音乐剧《Q大街》自2003年上演以来,因其贴近现实而在美国广受欢迎。原因也很简单,因为该剧反映的年轻人生活正是源自创作者的经历。现在我们来听听他们当初大学毕业后的挣扎。    Host: Let me ask you what was the most depressing aspect
And today we’re gonna talk about life after college.  How do you get started with a life after college? I would encourage you to take a look at what is it that you really, really like doing. Where hav
知道雇主对刚入职的毕业生最大的意见是什么吗?竟然不是不懂行没有经验,不是不懂人情世故,而是工作时发短信,缺少沟通能力,胸怀“远大”理想。这些是对美国雇主的调查结果,但它对中国的大学生也非常有现实意义。    And this is the time of year when new college graduates are plunging into the job market for the
I always thought that by the time I got out of college, and out of debt, that I’d find my true calling. It just seemed reasonable, you know, for $40,000 worth of debt you’d think that I’d at least hav