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  斯蒂格·拉森(Stieg Larsson)是瑞典作家与新闻记者。他曾任职于瑞典中央新闻通讯社,并于工作之余投身反法西斯主义的活动。1995年,他创办了Expo基金会,并自1999年开始担任基金会同名杂志主编。由于他长期致力于揭发瑞典极右派组织的不法行为,多年来一直受到或轻或重的死亡恐吓与威胁。“千禧”系列小说中总是积极捍卫社会正义、不求个人名利的男主角,几乎就是拉森本人的化身。
  “千禧”系列由《龙文身的女孩》、《玩火的女孩》、《捅马蜂窝的女孩》组成,它以《千禧年》杂志的男记者米克尔·布卢奎斯特(Mikael Blomkvist)和叛逆少女丽思贝丝·萨兰德(Lisbeth Salander)的侦探经历为线索,通过炉火纯青的悬疑小说写作技巧和颇具爆点的社会批判主义,俘获了读者,一举取得畅销佳绩。2010年6月的统计数据显示,此丛书已被译为30多种语言,在全世界40多个国家销售了四千万套。亚马逊网上书店称其电子阅读器Kindle自2007年面市以来,拉森成为第一位其作品电子版书籍销售超百万本的作家。
  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 龙文身的女孩
  Prologue A Friday in November
  It happened every year, was almost a ritual. And this was his eighty-second birthday. When, as usual, the flower was delivered, he took off the wrapping paper and then picked up the telephone to call Detective 1)Superintendent Morell who, when he retired, had moved to Lake Siljan in Dalarna. They were not only the same age, they had been born on the same day—which was something of an irony under the circumstances. The old policeman was sitting with his coffee, waiting, expecting the call.
  “It arrived.”
  “What is it this year?”
  “I don’t know what kind it is. I’ll have to get someone to tell me what it is. It’s white.”
  “No letter, I suppose.”
  “Just the flower. The frame is the same kind as last year. One of those do-it-yourself ones.”
  “Same as always, all in capitals. Upright, neat lettering.”
  With that, the subject was exhausted, and not another word was exchanged for almost a minute. The retired policeman leaned back in his kitchen chair and drew on his pipe. He knew he was no longer expected to come up with a 2)pithy comment or any sharp question which would shed a new light on the case. Those days had long since passed, and the exchange between the two men seemed like a ritual attaching to a mystery which no-one else in the whole world had the least interest in 3)unravelling.
  楔子 十一月的一个星期五
  影讯:Filming began in early 2008, and Men Who Hate Women (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) opened in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland in February-March, 2009. So far, it has been seen by more than 2.5 million people in those countries. In Norway and Denmark it is the most viewed Swedish film ever. By August, 2009, the film had been sold to 25 countries outside Scandinavia, and had been seen by more than six million people in the countries where it was already released. The total gross worldwide as of July 29, 2010, is $102,739,768.
  第二部The Girl Who Played with Fire 玩火的女孩
  She hated the smell of him!
  She hated his silence!
  She hated his voice!
  She hated him!
  She hated his touch!
  She saw his mouth move, but she shut out the sound of his voice. She did not want to listen. She did not want to answer. She heard him raise his voice, a hint of 4)irritation at her failure to respond. He talked about mutual trust.
  After a few minutes he stopped. She ignored his gaze. Then he shrugged and began adjusting her leather straps. He tightened the 5)harness across her chest a bit and leaned over her. She twisted, suddenly, to the left, away from him as abruptly as she could and as far as the straps would allow. She pulled up her knees to her chin and kicked hard at his head. She aimed at his adam’s apple and the tip of her toe hit him somewhere below his jaw. But he was ready for that and turned away, so it was only a light blow. She tried to kick again, but he was out of reach. She let her legs sink back down onto the bed. The sheet slid down onto the floor. Her nightdress had slid up above her hips.
  He stood still for a long time without saying a word, then he walked around the bed and tightened the foot restraint.
  She tried to pull her legs up, but he grabbed hold of one ankle, forced her knee down with his other and fastened her foot with a leather strap. He went around the bed and tied down her other foot. Now she was 6)utterly helpless.
  He picked up the sheet from the floor and covered her. He watched her in silence for two minutes. Then he turned and left, closing the door behind him. She heard him 7)bolt it, which was totally unnecessary, because she had no way of getting free from the bed. She lay for several minutes looking at the narrow strip of light over the door. Then she moved and tried to feel how tight the straps were. She could pull her knees up a bit, but the harness and the foot restraints grew 8)taut immediately. She relaxed. She lay still, staring at nothing.
  It was her 13th birthday.
  第三部 The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest 捅马蜂窝的女孩
  影讯:The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest was released on November 27, 2009 in Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark and in Finland in January, 2010. The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest are set to be released in the United States in 2010 by Music Box Films.
交友、恋爱、相亲,这些不是年轻人的专利,我们似乎也都知道,但很少有人考虑过这一切在老年人中间是怎样进行的。放慢脚步,用心观察,它们就可能发生在我们身边。  有的时候,一家商店的作用不仅仅是卖东西那么简单 特别是如果谈到的这家商店内有许多舒适的家具和一个不错的咖啡厅。在宜家全球连锁家居店的上海分店里,每周两次,都有一群孤独的心聚在这里进行非正式的见面。他们在宜家店里聚会为的是享受这里的免费咖啡,与
都说和尚僧人过着两耳不闻窗外事,只顾念经打坐的平淡日子。可有一群僧侣却涉世与政府和世俗打交道,为的是佛祖头上的一片树荫。  发电厂和耗油量大的汽车通常是形成温室气体排放污染,造成地球变暖的众矢之的,但森林砍伐也同样罪责难逃。根据联合国的数据,大约有五分之一的温室气体污染源于树林砍伐。这是一个很棘手的问题,但在柬埔寨的一个偏远角落,有一群僧人希望尽一己之力改变局面。
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