The art of seal cutting-the beauty between square inches

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  In the square inch,I use a knife to carve carefully,constantly looking for the touch of the knife and the stone. Carefully figure out the sense of knife of Qingtian stone and Shoushan stone,carefully design the layout of the fonts,and pursue the harmony of the proportions of theVermillion and white between the contrast of the Vermillion and white,and the mutual echo and connection between the fonts in the seal. Better condense the sense of gold and stone and layout design of the entire seal.
  What really fascinates me is the words in the seal script when the seal is engraved. Each seal script can echo each other and be different. While a single word shows its charm,it can also respond to each other,setting off the protagonist that should be highlighted. Achieve both focus and harmony. Before the print design of the text,we must think of the mutual reference and interpenetration relationship between the seal engraved characters,and the strokes can also be deliberately broken through,so that adjacent repeated strokes break together to form a unified feeling.
  The carving knife expresses the subtle and unified state of fonts in the tiny seal. Seal carving uses stones and carving knives on the materials. When the seal is carved,I usually use the method of "changing characters",imitating a certain ancient seal in the predecessor's chop,the seal method of the seal and the overall seal carving style No change,only slightly changed the style of the seal,and changed some of the rules on the basis of the predecessors,and then re-created the printed manuscript by collecting characters and combining them into one side. This requires me to carefully consider the layout of the seal when designing the print. The key to the layout of the seal is more about how to deal with the various contradictions between the fonts,and the contradictions between the fonts can only be harmonious and harmonious. A unified overall feeling,a harmonious and unified seal has the beauty of seal carving. Therefore,when designing the printed manuscript,I must consider the complexity and simplicity of the overall seal,as well as the sparseness and denseness. The lightness and weight of the font in the seal. The shifting and interspersed,neat and jagged,broken and stuck between multiple texts. The layout of the seal has a key position in the concept of seal cutting. How to make the layout of the seal lively and harmonious is what I should continue to pursue and work hard on.   Seal scripts are mostly used in the art of seal cutting. Naturally,creators are required to have a deeper accumulation of seal scripts and cultural accomplishments. The aesthetics and innovations of seal cutting and the correctness and wrongness of characters require careful scrutiny. In normal practice,when constantly tempering his own knife skills and knives,meticulously record and always sum up my own gains and losses and experience of using knives and knives. More efforts should be made to increase one's own academic accomplishment. The increase of one's own literary accomplishment can better support the study and comprehension of the essence of the discipline of seal cutting,and truly appreciate its infinite charm. The art of seal cutting contains a wide range of contents and requires humbly search,not as simple as a single stone. In the freehand painting,we should use the appropriate content,appropriate size and shape,and a red seal on the seal,which can not only express the author’s emotions,but also highlight the artistic conception of the picture,and balance the sparseness and composition of the picture. dense. Let the seal and the picture complement each other and become one.
  As the essence of Chinese traditional culture,the art of seal cutting must be inherited and carried forward. Standing on the shoulders of the predecessors of seal cutting,drawing on the strengths of each family,finding a style of seal cutting that suits you,and then engraving in large quantities. Accumulation can bring about qualitative changes. Only by practicing continuously and maintaining lasting focus and devotion can we achieve breakthroughs and progress in this art. Interest is the first driving force. Only strong hobbies can prompt me to continue to study techniques and broadly study,and I can learn by analogy and make progress in the continuous learning process.
  The course of seal cutting has not only given me the skills of seal cutting,but also made me realize many truths of life. Life is like carving a seal. You have to endure loneliness. The beauty and truth of oneself,everyone is a piece of jade from the beginning,after continuous learning and absorption of nutrients suitable for their growth. Slowly sculpt yourself to make a piece of uncut jade a real jade that blooms with light. In the process of transformation,don't rush for success,take your own path carefully and step by step. Lay a solid foundation for yourself. Patiently repair,carefully measure,make sufficient preparations,constantly revise one's own shortcomings and flaws,look for one's own shortcomings over and over again,and finally show the perfect side. To take everything seriously,just like seal carving,continuously carve and carefully repair. This process cannot tolerate falsehood. Only by earnestly correcting one's attitude can one walk one's own life path well.
  [1]"Common Sense of Seal Cutting Appreciation" [M]Tang Zhaoji Shanghai Book Publishing House 1996.8
  [2]"Appreciation of Seal Cutting Art" [M]Liu Jiang,Guangxi Fine Arts Publishing House,2017.7.
  [3]"A Brief Talk on Seals" [M]Jiang Yisheng,Anhui People's Publishing House,1984.6
  [4]"The Carving of Seal Cutting"[M]Lin Suqing,CITIC Publishing Group,2017,7
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