范××,女性,66岁,杭州肿瘤医院住院号28209。患者因咳嗽、痰血二月余而来就诊,79年7月18日摄胸片见右上肺有密度增高之块影,内有空洞,但无液平。X 线号:34277。痰检:找到癌细胞(鳞癌)涂片号79—1654,诊断右上肺癌,收入院治疗。入院后于7月18日开始,给二去水卫茅醇,每天50毫克,以生理盐水20毫升溶解后,静脉一次推注。连续7天,休息7天为一疗程。化疗前白细胞为15,300/mm~3,停药时降低至9,700/mm~3至一疗程结束时低至4,000/mm~3(表1)给药期间,曾出现恶心,胃纳减退等消
Fan × ×, female, 66 years old, Hangzhou Cancer Hospital, hospital number 28209. The patient came to the hospital for more than two months due to coughing and blood stasis. On July 18, 79, the chest radiograph showed a blockage of increased density in the right upper lung. There was a hollow in the chest radiograph but there was no fluid level. X line number: 34277. Sputum examination: find cancer cells (squamous cell carcinoma) smear No. 79-1654, diagnosis of right upper lung cancer, income hospital treatment. After admission, starting on July 18, to the second to the hydronitol, 50 mg per day, dissolved in 20 ml of saline, a intravenous injection. For 7 days, 7 days rest is a course of treatment. The number of white blood cells before chemotherapy was 15,300/mm~3, and it decreased to 9,700/mm~3 at the time of discontinuation to a low of 4,000/mm~3 at the end of a course of treatment (Table 1). Nausea and loss of appetite were observed.