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比较就是确定事物之间的共同点和差异点的思维过程和方法。俗话说:“不怕不识货,就怕货比货。”“不比不知道,一比就开窍。”可见,比较是帮助人们认识事物特点、性质的好方法。在小学地理教学中运用比较法有很多好处: 一、运用比较,有利于对学生进行思想教育。例如教学《黄河》一课时,讲了黄河上、中、下游各段的特点,还可举出抗战初期国民党军队炸开花园口黄河大堤的滔天罪行,使黄河决口改道,使一千多万人口受灾,八十九万人淹死,给人民带来巨大灾难;接着讲新中国成立以后,党和政府十分重视治黄工作,针对黄河上、中、下游的特点采取了不同的措施,三十多年来,治黄工作取得了巨大成绩。通过新旧 Comparison is to determine the commonalities and differences between things thinking process and method. As the saying goes: “not afraid of not knowing the goods, afraid of goods than goods.” “Better than do not know, compared to the Kaiqiao.” Visible, comparison is to help people understand the characteristics of things, a good way. The use of comparative law in primary school geography teaching has many advantages: First, the use of comparison is conducive to the ideological education of students. For example, when teaching “The Yellow River”, he talked about the characteristics of each section of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. He also cited the monstrous crimes of the Kuomintang troops in opening the Yellow River embankment in the mouth of Huayuankou in the early days of the war of resistance against Japan, diverting the Yellow River's burst port so that more than 10 million people After the disaster, 890,000 people drowned, bringing tremendous disasters to the people. After the founding of new China, the party and the government attached great importance to the work of governing the Yellow River and took different measures in response to the characteristics of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Thirty Over the years, great achievements have been made in the governance of the yellowing issue. Through old and new
姜小鹂原是我省某重点中学的学习尖子,以善于解难题著称,屡次参加学科竞赛都获奖,后来以优异的考分被录取到复旦大学。她在大学学习期间,却碰到了许多解决 Ginger Oliver w
为了巩固正比例的基础知识和基本技能,我设计了“一表多变”的练习。学生通过一张表的不断变换,能够由浅入深地分析解答不同要求的问题,了解从正比例的意义 In order to co
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