
来源 :湖南省博物馆馆刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anitalok
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博物馆藏品是国家宝贵的科学、文化财富,是博物馆业务活动的物质基础。所谓博物馆藏品,是指博物馆依据社会需要和自身性质有目的地征集起来,并利用特定程序进行管理、保存,供研究和社会教育之用的有价值的历史文化遗产、自然标本和科技成果及有关的一切资料。藏品按质地分类和存放,是比较科学和有效的保管方法。这不仅可以方便在日常藏品保护工作中,统一对库内环境、温湿度进行控制,也能使库房保管员的工作更加简便和专业。 Museum collection is a valuable scientific and cultural asset of the country and a material basis for the museum’s business activities. The so-called museum collections refer to valuable historical and cultural heritages, natural specimens, scientific and technological achievements and related materials that museums have purposely collected according to the needs of society and their own nature and managed and preserved by specific procedures for research and social education All the information According to the classification and storage of the collection, it is a more scientific and effective method of storage. This not only can facilitate the daily preservation of the work, the unified control of the environment within the library, temperature and humidity control, but also to make the work of the storekeeper more simple and professional.
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