“My son Pika” series personal letters

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  Series book “My Son Pika” has received good reviews as soon as it published, shining in the domestic children’s book market, became the social focus. “My Son Pika” series had won the honor of the China Excellent Publications Award in October, 2010. This set of books plan to make 16 volumes, have published the first six volumes right now, and will publish four more volumes this year. In my view, at this time, to review the things happened before and after the publications of the book is a meaningful thing.
  The origin of the manuscripts Seize the opportunity
  The author of the series book “My Son Pika” is Wenxuan Cao, who is the famous domestic children’s literature writer, to some certain extent, his work represents the highest level of contemporary Chinese Children’s Literature, and most published books are the classic bestselling works. The president of our company Qiulin Zhang has 20 years old friendship with Mr. Wenxuan Cao, and cooperated with the publications of theoretical works before. We have been considering a long term cooperation in the field of children’s literature with Mr. Wenxuan Cao. Finally, there was an opportunity to cooperate in 2007 summer. We began to discuss about the form and contents of the manuscript in September 2007. And at the same time, Mr. Cao began to write this book, for a whole year, the first story about Pika released officially. In January 2009, I received the first manuscript – Screaming.
  Highlight the key points Orientate precisely
  I read through the whole manuscript after received it, very touching. Wenxuan Cao is indeed the writer with unique personality and persistent pursuit of arts, he never randomly wrote the book by depending on his fame, this work is by his dedication. In this manuscript, can be seen it’s different from the other works of Wenxuan Cao, although he always pursues the perfection, this work is more close to the children. It can let children find the truly humorous, warm and beautiful works around the complex children’s book market. However, Mr. Cao didn’t make it shorter, it’s not easy for children to read through the long series. As a result, Mr. Cao and we made an adjustment for this work at the end, split the original one from the middle into two ones, which won’t affect the quality or the progress of the book. Thus, it fits for our readers perfectly. It’s been proved that a 80,000 word book with beautiful illustrations and exquisite binding design, let children read all over, making them feel content and relaxed, and expect more about the second. Our editing process will start from this reader and market orientating as well.   After many setbacks finalize the manuscript
  In fact, the most difficult part of making this book for us is how to design the binding most closely matches. From the beginning of the cooperation, this has been the most concern for me. As for the style of doing things of Mr. Cao, the manuscript he handed in wouldn’t be bad, it’s proved my thought after received it, right now presented in front of reader finalized after many setbacks. We studied and thought about the paper, finished size, sheets, pricing, illustrations, style, layout, cover design, cost control and others aspects over and over again during the editing process.
  From the beginning, we analyzed the books on the market, we thought “My Son Pika” must be the bestselling book, so we didn’t choose the special regulated paper, so that will be enough papers for republishing, as well as lower the costs. So we made the finished sized of “My Son Pika” into height 210mm X width 145mm, the size of the paper is regular 880mm X1230mm, which is the most reasonable choice. To make the book “thin” so that easy for children to read, we control the sheets within 6. From the first four volumes, we set the price of RMB 13.80 for each volume, it was an acceptable price for the bestselling books and matches our budget as well. In the design of the binding, the most difficult part was the illustrations’ style. First we had to shape the character Pika, if Pika model didn’t match the content of the book, didn’t shape in a pure and innocent, witty and kind, curious and muddle, the illustrations even though beautiful were not what we needed. We used to combined seven or eight nice drawings, but the style didn’t meet our demand. At this time, Mr. Zhi Xiong from the headquarter recommended an experienced art editor, an illustrator Yuanyuan Shen. It’s impressive when we looked at the drawings from Shen, it’s exactly ignorant youth Pika. We set Shen as the illustrator for the book right away, because she not only captured the inner of Pika but with a bright and distinctive style as well as artistic. Her style of illustration helped the binding design a lot. Different sized pictures among the words, making the format abundant and light and lively. To finalize the cover design was even more difficult. Firstly, we decided to make it as each four volumes as a set, with four colors – red, yellow, blue, green, 16 volumes, four rounds. But at the end, since we considered about the details and not satisfied with print color, we finalized the book in one warm color, made the “My Son Pika” as a big logo, the whole design not only fits for the book style but also the series, so that easy for us to do the marketing propaganda. “My Son Pika” first four volumes officially listed on the market in August, 2009, the reviews reflects the right orientation.
  As from “My Son Pika” the beginning paragraph “Pika toddled over, that’s the way you walk, that’s the way all the adults used to walk”. Everyone is growing up, as well as our books, went through so many setbacks finally finished. Now, I present the most beautiful gesture to every reader, hope it will start a new journey under your care and love.
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