In a report released in November 1998, the GAO praised the US Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) for their plans to improve the EW system on its C-130 aircraft. Commending the war on electronic warfare, sourcing or performance aspects, it is particularly noteworthy as the report continues to identify alternative sources of funding to help AFSOC do more with limited budgetary resources. Prepared by lawmaker Patty Kennedy, the report underlined that threats to special operations aircraft are on the rise as the electronic warfare shrinks, and GAO also understands large, slow-speed aircraft like the C-130, Often, it is often necessary to deploy in uncontrollable and potentially hostile areas alone or in very small numbers (often without the support and protection of aircraft or other military equipment), but the threats they face are becoming more complex and may be The report goes on to state that even countries without complex integrated air defense systems now have cheap heat-seeking missiles and passive detection systems that have been able to alert the enemy Approaching enemy aircraft and aim to help through commercial channels can get a second-generation night vision device in conjunction with a portable shoulder-fired missile, it can crush Special Operations Command nocturnal avoid relying on traditional methods of warfare are detected.