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  Conan: The Net Generation has arrived. Don Tapscott writes in his new book titled Grown Up Digital, and he argues this generation is beginning to transform every institution of modern life from the workplace to the marketplace, from politics to education, they’re replacing a culture of control with a culture of enablement. Today we’re focused on the Net Generation’s effect on electoral politics and government in general.
  And Don Tapscott, one of the things you argue in your book is that in fact this new generation, this younger generation, this Net Generation not gonna tolerate things like, well, attack ads and wants things to be more civil and doesn’t want things to be argued from the extreme left or the extreme right.
  Tapscott: Well, I think that’s true that—first of all, they’re the most diverse generation ever and there are all kinds of measures at that. You know that 90% say it’s OK for blacks and whites to date, and that’s up from 56% in 1988, and 60% of them support the idea of a gay marriage compared to 37% of the general public. So, they’re much more open, and they want to have real conversations. And I went 1)out on a limb, you know, with books, you have to put these things in the can a few months earlier. And, I said attack ads are a big mistake. And I think that turned out to be true. I mean, they want to talk about the real issues.
  Conan: A digital brainstorm to say, “Look we’ve got this situation with, you know, the economic crisis. So, starting Monday at 12:00, send me your ideas good, bad and different. The good ones will rise to the top. I’ll post every day. I’ll be reading all this stuff, and let’s see what develops.”
  Tapscott: Well, these things have been done on a lower scale, smaller scale. IBM, for example, held a discussion of 400,000 employees over a three-day period. But I’m now in discussions with government leaders in several countries that are very serious about doing this, and this is not direct democracy, don’t get me wrong, you know,2)Ross Perot and the electronic town hall, you get to vote every night on evening news. That’s a.k.a. the electronic 3)mob. The democracy is a lot more than 4)majority rule on a nightly basis. But what we’re talking about here is engaging citizens, especially these young kids who’ve grown up interacting rather than watching TV, engaging them in political life, and when you do that, good things happen from my experience. 5)Initiatives get 6)catalyzed. People start to learn more. They become more open to having real conversations. This is going to be a big change. And I’m hopeful that we’re in the early days of something significant.
  Conan: There’s an interesting phrase—the Internet not entirely credible in some respects.
  Tapscott: Well, what’s really interesting about that is that what I found in my research—and I’ve interviewed 11,000 young people—is that they’ve developed very sophisticated 7)B.S. detectors basically because there’s so much B.S. on the Internet. You know when I was a kid, I saw a picture. It was a picture. When these kids see a picture, what is it? An animation or a robot or a 8)morph, and so they’re a generation of 9)scrutinizers.
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