
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeanlife
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目的:分析农村艾滋病病人的患病、就诊和住院情况。方法:在已经参加艾滋病抗病毒治疗的病人中,选择更能配合调查的农村户籍病人,由当地卫生局协调,在定点医院填写问卷。结果:农村艾滋病病人的两周患病率为26.9%,两周就诊率为23.2%,年住院率为27.8%。结论:农村艾滋病病人的两周患病率、两周就诊率和年住院率均高于一般农村居民;对艾滋病病人减免治疗费用的政策影响病人的两周就诊率和年住院率。 Objective: To analyze the prevalence, treatment and hospitalization of AIDS patients in rural areas. Methods: Among the patients who have already participated in AIDS antiviral therapy, choose the rural household patients who can better cooperate with the survey. Coordinated by the local health bureau, fill in the questionnaire in the designated hospitals. Results: The prevalence of AIDS in rural areas was 26.9% in two weeks, 23.2% in two weeks and 27.8% in hospitalized patients. Conclusion: The two-week prevalence rate, two-week visit rate and annual hospitalization rate of AIDS patients in rural areas are higher than those of general rural residents. The policy of fee-for-treatment for AIDS patients affects two-week visiting rate and annual hospitalization rate.
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目的:建立川楝子药材中阿魏酸的含量测定方法,并对不同来源商品药材进行测定。方法:采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱为UltrasphereTM-ODS柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相乙腈-0.1%
目的 探讨三级监控模式在减少儿科PICC并发症及提高置管患儿护理质量中的应用效果.方法 将我院2009年9月至2011年8月应用三级监控模式护理的64例PICC患儿设为实验组,将2007年