People are often accustomed to connecting Guangxi, which is located in the southwestern border, with occlusion and backwardness. However, Guangxi, with its limited locational advantages and relatively weak economic strength, has emerged in recent years in the field of publishing industry with remarkable achievements: Guangxi publications have reached the national upper-middle school level in terms of scale, quality and quality camps; in publishing houses Winning projects, social sales revenue, asset profit margins and so on, then entered the ranks of the advanced countries; a number of important indicators reached the national first-class level. During the Ninth Five-year Plan period, Guangxi won a total of 27 kinds of national three book awards. Among them, “five one project” award 6 kinds, 12 national book awards, 9 kinds of Chinese Book Award. The total number of winning books is calculated by province, municipality directly under the Central Government and autonomous region, ranking the seventh in the country. According to the publishing houses, the average prize book for the National Book Award is 1.88 kinds per community, ranking second in the country. Especially in 1997 “five one project” award and the national book award, a total of 10 kinds of books in Guangxi award-winning, second only to Shanghai, winning the second prize. Year of “the Tenth Five-Year Plan”, there are 81 kinds of maps in Guangxi