
来源 :今日民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqsuifeng
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民族乡是我国解决国内民族问题的一种特殊政治形式,是根据宪法和有关法律法规,在少数民族聚居的地方建立的乡级行政区域。民族乡是党和国家为保障散杂居地区少数民族的权利而建立的基层政权,是民族区域自治制度的一种补充。云南在建立了8个自治州、29个自治县的同时,还先后建立了197个民族乡,到2000年,有8个民族乡先后撤乡建镇。民族乡根据法定程序撤乡建镇的,继续享受民族乡待遇。民族乡的发展情况,可基本代表散杂居民族地区的发展情况。散杂居民族地区是云南省民族工作分类指导的一个重要地区,是一个情况复杂、发展极不平衡的地区,也是全省扶贫攻坚和全面建设小康社会的重点和难点地区。在全省各族人民全面建设小康社会的伟大征程中,散杂居民族地区的发展情况如何?有一些什么样的经验和问题?需要采取一些什么样的对策和措施?为此,我们特别推荐一组来自几个典型的民族乡的调研报告。 Ethnic townships are a special form of political affairs for our country to solve the problems of the nationalities in our country. It is a township-level administrative area established in accordance with the Constitution and other relevant laws and regulations and where minorities live together. Ethnic townships are the grass-roots political power established by the Party and the state to safeguard the rights of ethnic minorities scattered inhabited areas and are a complement to the system of ethnic regional autonomy. While establishing eight autonomous prefectures and 29 autonomous counties, Yunnan also successively established 197 ethnic townships. By 2000, eight ethnic townships had successively evacuated their townships to build towns. When ethnic townships withdraw their townships and towns in accordance with legal procedures, they shall continue to enjoy the treatment of ethnic townships. The development of ethnic townships can basically represent the development of scattered mixed ethnic regions. The scattered mixed ethnic regions are an important area for the guidance of ethnic work classification in Yunnan Province. They are a complicated area with extremely uneven development. They are also the key and difficult areas for poverty alleviation and building a moderately prosperous society in the province. In the great journey of people of all nationalities in the province to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, what are the developments in scattered Heizuo ethnic areas? What kind of experience and problems are there? What kind of measures and measures are needed? To this end, we especially recommend Group from several typical ethnic township research report.
对于中国来说 ,2 0 0 3年初始似乎显示出了一种不祥之兆。在 2 0 0 2年 1 1月至 2 0 0 3年 9月期间 ,有 80 98人感染了SARS ,其中 774人撒手人寰。SARS完全成为一种中国式的
一位朋友,把近年来关于加强民主、反对特权的议论,一概斥之为“空谈”。理由是,它除了招来一些人的厌恶,引起一些人的失望,产生了一些“混乱”之外,没有什么实际效果。  “空谈”这个词历来名声不大好。权势者用它嘲笑书生意气,小民们用它埋怨文人无能,清谈者也用它自嗟自叹。可是,几千年来的人世间,“空谈”不断。人的嘴巴的吃饭以外的第二功能,颇有发达之势;记载着那些“空谈”的文章,竟可说浩如烟海。  自从一位
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