
来源 :人口与计划生育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilytotti
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人口法是调整人口关系,组织管理人口、规范人口行为的法律规范的总称,是国家指导、干预、管理人口运行的重要工具。由于人口过程及其关系所具有的特定性和广延性特征,人口法通常有广义和狭义的理解。狭义的人口法是以直接的人口过程和人口关系为调整对象的法律法规构成的体系,主要就是生育法或计划生育法。广义的人口法是指以人口运行的全部过程和全部人口关系为调整对象的法律法规构成的体系,既包括人口法,也包括生育法或计划生育法。本文论 Population law is the general term for regulating the population relations, organizing and managing the population, and regulating the legal norms of population behavior. It is also an important tool for the state to guide, intervene and manage the population. Due to the specific and extensive nature of the population processes and their relationships, population law generally has broad and narrow understandings. The narrow definition of population law is based on the direct population process and population relations as the object of regulation of laws and regulations constitute the system, the main law is fertility or family planning. The generalized population law refers to a system of laws and regulations that regulate the whole process of population operation and all population relations, including population law and birth law or family planning law. This article on
第一条 (目的和依据) 为了加强对上海市九段沙湿地自然保护区的生态环境和生态资源的保护,根据《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》和有关法律、法规的规定,结合实际情况,制定
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▲Mar. 1 The American Customs andBorder Protection Bureau announced that alltravelers to the U.S. should receive a new e-scanning check right from that day to