
来源 :计算结构力学及其应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maturevice
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中美“计算工程力学进展”学术讨论会于一九八三年九月五日至九月十日在大连举行。这次会议是根据中美科技、文化交流协定一九八三年的执行计划,得到我国教育部和美国国家科学基金会支持的双边学术会议。会议讨论的专题包括计算力学的一般方法、计算流体力学、结构优化设计,无损探伤,极限状态力学和参数识别等。参加会议的美方学者十二人,中方学者四十五人(其中正式代表二十三人,列席代表二十二人)。在会议上递交的学术论文四十二篇,其中在全体大会上宣读了十九篇,在分组会议上宣读了十五篇。对这些学术报告,会议参加者分成三组进行了深入的讨论。会议秘书处还在晚上开放会议室为中美学者自由交流提供了良好条件。 参加这次会议的美方学者的特点是:平均年龄不超过四十五岁,绝大部分在第一线工作,处于非 Sino-U.S. Workshop on Advances in Computational Engineering Mechanics was held in Dalian from September 5 to September 10, 1983. This meeting is a bilateral academic conference supported by the Ministry of Education of China and the National Science Foundation of the United States based on the 1983 Plan of Implementation of the agreement on science and technology and cultural exchange between China and the United States. Topics discussed at the conference included general methods of computational mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, structural optimization design, nondestructive testing, ultimate state mechanics and parameter identification. Twelve were American scholars attending the conference, and 45 were Chinese scholars (of whom 23 were formally represented and attended by 22 delegates). There were 42 academic papers submitted at the conference, of which 19 were read in the plenary session and 15 were read in the breakout session. For these academic reports, participants in the conference were divided into three groups for in-depth discussions. The conference secretariat also opened the conference room at night to provide good conditions for the free exchange of scholars in China and the United States. The characteristics of the American scholars participating in this conference are: the average age is no more than 45, most of whom work in the frontline
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive muscular atrophy and death within 3–5 years after its onset.Des
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本文对用开端微波谐振腔测量低温流体密度,特别对于液氢流体,作了比较全面地研究。改进了测量谐振频率的两种微波系统,建议了计算密度的新方程,最后静态校验了该装置。 In t
一、机械振动系统 机械的组成件并不是绝对刚体,而是弹性材料组成,在受外力激发产生振动时,机械系统的振型和质量、刚度、阻尼等有关,由于弹性系统的类型,振型尚具有多种自
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