The nose is the most common and hard to cure skin cancer. Goepfert et al. (1982) observed 2,600 head and neck skin cancers, of which 69% were basal cell carcinomas and 12% were located in the nose. However, in 305 cases of nasal skin cancer, only 64% is limited to the nose. Electrodrying, scraping and freezing are only suitable for tumors with a diameter of 0.5cm; radiation is highly effective for basal cell carcinoma of the nasal skin; closing the incision with a flap or graft after surgery is also a good method for small tumors. Large tumors need to be followed up for 6 to 12 months after resection. Another method is to remove under microscope monitoring. This method is called Mohs’s surgery, and the edge of the resected specimen is frozen.