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  【关键词】灾难 新闻 不同 解决方法 冲突
  1. Introduction
  In the international mass communication, the reports on China in other countries’ news media especially those in the western countries are not always “satisfactory” or “optimistic”. The two major frequently occurred topics in their news reports are: human rights abuses, and China’s threats towards the world security. In the American newspapers, China is portrayed as having various kinds of problems (Qu Zhen, 2005).
  So the negative reports on China account for a large percentage of their news coverage which has severely ruined China’s image and reputation in the world, and has also damaged the harmonious and friendly diplomatic relationship between China and other countries. All these factors will further influence China’s position in the international community and hinder its future domestic development. (Wu Yuzhen,2005)
  In this essay the author will try to analyze how the culture differences influence the way people report events between China and western countries. Besides, the author wants to share you with some solutions to solve this conflicts caused by culture difference. In this paper you can see four aspects that cause the differences of news reporting.
  2. Comparison of Samples in Different Countries
  Recent years, the whole world, as well as China, suffered many disastrous events, such as SARS, earthquakes, tsunami, the gun attack and mine disasters etc. These events bring people sorrow, anxiety and panic. They have also exerted serious effect on China and the whole world.
  The following news will be picked up from the Chinese media and the American media.
  2.1 News about the Jiaoji Railway Crash
  ①The Chinese news:
  胡锦涛、温家宝就胶济铁路重大事故作出重要批示 张德江赶赴现场指导救援善后工作
  新华社北京4月28日电 28日凌晨,胶济铁路发生一起客车脱线相撞重大事故。事故发生后,党中央、国务院高度重视,中共中央总书记胡锦涛、国务院总理温家宝分别作出重要批示,并指派中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理张德江立即赶赴现场,指导救援善后工作。目前,张德江一行已抵达事故现场开展工作。
  淄博境内胶济线列车相撞 受伤旅客得到全力救治
  人民网淄博视窗电 (记者查晓东 吴芬 刘春军 摄影报道)
  ②The USA news:
  Train collision kills dozens in China   BEIJING — A predawn collision between two passenger trains in Eastern China on Monday has killed at least 66 people and injured 247, according to Xinhua, the state news agency, making it one of the deadliest rail accidents in recent years. The two trains, one heading from Beijing to Qingdao and the other traveling between Yantai and Xuzhou, collided at 4:40 a.m. in the town of Zibo, Shandong Province.
  Witnesses said one train derailed at a bend and then struck the other, throwing at least ten cars into a ditch. Wire reports quoted a rail official saying that a new timetable introduced on Monday might have contributed to the crash.
  China has one of the world’s most heavily used rail systems. In recent years, at least $100 billion has been spent on improvements and expanded service. Reached by phone on Monday morning, hospital officials in Zibo said the injured began arriving around 5 a.m. with about 100 ambulances ferrying the injured to local hospitals. (This is from New York Times)
  Comparison of the two pieces of news
  Both of the two pieces of news report the accident that happened in China. Both news media in two countries’ were concerned about the crash.
  American media explored not only the crash itself but also the crash impact. What they described about is severer than the Chinese media did. They quoted not only the named authorities but also much more unnamed authorities and critics. Especially, there are a lot of common people’s words. But the Chinese focalizes on the crash relief works, and quoted a mass of named authorities. What the government did is stressed. The positive reports to encourage the people and the relief works are much more than the negative ones.
  2.2 News about Sanlu Milk
  ①The Chinese news:
  ②The USA news:
  Tainted milk formula poisons Chinese babies: This is not the first time the safety of Chinese products has been called into question. Consumer confidence was badly dented after recent cases involving tainted toothpaste and pet food. (This is from CNN.)   Chinese Baby Formula Scandal Widens as 2nd Death Is Announced: It seems likely that contaminated formula had been distributed for several months.
  The two deaths attributed to the bad formula, both in Gansu, occurred long before the scandal became public. One was a 5-month-old boy who died on May 1; the other was an 8-month-old girl who died on July 22, according to the Health Ministry.
  Chinese regulators responded last year with a high-profile crackdown and banned such uses of melamine. Regulators expressed outrage about the latest problems, but did not clarify why it took so long to uncover. (This is from New York Times)
  Comparison of the two pieces of news
  These two pieces of news report are related to the Sanlu milk. Both of them tell people the evolvement of the incident.
  The Chinese new is about the solution of the contaminated milk. The newly built phone line 12320 in eight provinces that give the people a positive impression. The American news is about the consequences caused by the Sanlu milk. It concerns more about the death and the victims.
  3. Cases Analysis
  From the above samples the author analyzes four aspects that influence the differences between China and western countries on China news reporting: first, the political reason; second, the economical reason; third, the cultural reason; fourth, the historical reason.
  3.1 The Political Reasons
  In China, there is a saying goes that do not wash your dirty linen in public. So most propaganda departments prefer to report the inspiring aspect of an accident rather than show its ugly aspect of an accident to the open world. However, in most western countries they have a hostile attitude toward China. In their report, they try to reveal the most disadvantaged factor of an accident so as to fulfill their political needs and make great achievements in both the military and political spheres in world affairs.
  3.2 The Economic Reasons
  In USA, the mass media are private station. They are competing with each other. In order to gain more benefits from their report, they often try their best to figure out some explosive news especially about China (since China becomes more and more concerned by people all over the world) to attract more readers and buyers. While in China, most of the newsagents are supported by the government both financially and politically.
  3.3 The Historical Reasons   The author found that the American media described a weak and frail Chinese image. The Chinese government is incapable of relieving. Our country is short of resources, especially the coal. The transportation infrastructure is so weak that it can not afford the large disaster. The economy also has some problems. In conclusion, it is a negative Chinese image. To Chinese media, however, they paid more attention to the snow storm itself, and reported the relief works and the restored situation so that it gave a positive and an optimistic Chinese image.
  4. Conclusion
  Different cultures employ different ways of reporting news. What we consider as effective to an event seem quite the opposite to someone from another culture. As a result, to be an effective reporter, one should recognize and accept the differences, respect the opponent’s culture, and understand how culture shapes the goals and strategic preferences in three stages of news reporting. It is crucial to resolve such cultural conflicts and help different countries to better understand each other. In doing so, conflicts may be reduced to the least, or even be eliminated.
  Therefore, in the actual process of deepening understanding of cultural differences,in communication process to maintain awareness of the issue, use of various communication skills, and continuing to resolve differences,it will continuously promote news reporting smoothly.
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【摘要】在当前的高中英语教学中,英语阅读教学占据比例较大,并且在大部分测试中阅读也占据了较大的比重。随着网络信息技术的不断普及,网络资源的有效利用对于高中英语阅读教学有着重要的作用。本文就高中英语阅读教学中如何来有效的利用网络资源进行具体的分析,希望能够满足现代信息技术条件下的高中英语阅读教学需求。  【关键词】高中 英语 阅读 网络资源  传统模式下的高中英语教学更注重学生的语法与词汇等方面的教
【摘要】社交工具的普及,让原本局限于草根网民私下交流的网络新词悄然跃上世界各大报纸及新闻。这一突出的社会现象和文化变革,已经成为了一个广泛关注的社会现象。英语作为全球政治、经济、文化等多领域通用语言,其受到的冲击和影响首当其冲。本文将从英语网络新词的产生、分布和对社会产生的影响等方面进行分析和总结,以便更好地掌握和利用新的知识和资源,并服务于人们的学习、工作和生活。  【关键词】英语网络新词 产生
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一百多年来,围绕着“原始社会有没有法律”这一问题,法学家们争论不休。西格尔在《法律探索》中说:“人们(原始人群)生活在‘习惯的无意识控制之下’,没有法庭和法律。”霍贝尔则认为“原始社会存在法律”,在《原始人的法》一书中从法律人类学角度重新界定了法律的内涵。  霍贝尔是马林諾夫斯基之后最杰出的法律人类学家之一。1954年,霍贝尔出版了《原始人的法》。该书获得广泛好评,甚至被评价为,“一定会成为未来一