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  Not too long ago, a horse carrying a Civil War注1 soldier appeared on the 1)misty Gettysburg注2 battlefield in Pennsylvania. Thinking the horse and rider were actors, a tourist spoke to them. But the two just stared - then disappeared.
  Cindy Codori-Shultz hears stories like this all the time. “We have ghost sightings so often that it doesn’t
  really 2)spook us - anymore,” says the owner of Sleepy Hollow of Gettysburg Candlelight Ghost Tours.
  Can animals come back to 3)haunt a favorite location? No one knows for sure. But these stories of animal ghosts may help you to decide.
  4)Creepy Cat
  In the 1800s, cats in Washington, D.C. helped control a serious rat problem - even inside the U.S. 5)Capitol. But one cat may have done more than hunt rats. Some say its spirit haunts the Capitol’s corridors.
  Legend has it that before national disasters occur, “DC,” as the cat’s ghost has been named, emerges from the shadows, its creepy eyes 6)glowing. People have reported seeing the cat before the stock market crash of 1929, which sparked the Great Depression注3, and also before the 1963 7)assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  “Some members of the nighttime protection service 8)shudder at the thought of 9)encountering DC,” wrote John Alexander in the book Ghosts: Washington Revisited.
  -->Superstition busted!
  Does a 10)shiver run down your 11)spine if a black cat 12)crosses your path? Lots of people view black cats as unlucky, probably because during the Middle Ages black cats were thought to be witches 13)in disguise. But it turns out that having black fur may actually be a good thing!
  Like hair color in people, fur color in animals is determined by genes. Research shows that the gene that gives some cats black fur may also give them extra protection against diseases. So black cats may be very lucky indeed!
  In parts of England, black cats are considered good luck, and white ones are considered bad luck!
  Spirit Horses
  Horseback riders for the Pony Express注4 carried mail across the US from April 1860 to October 1861. But the spirit of the Express lives on - in more ways than one.
  The service’s Hollenberg Station still stands on the Kansas grasslands, and some people believe that the 14)original horses and riders are still there, too. Startled visitors have heard 15)pounding hooves late at night and felt a rush of wind as if horses were thundering past.

  Odd things happen inside the station, too.
  “Especially when the wind blows there’s 16)creaking and 17)groaning,” says Hollenberg’s 18)administrator, Duane Durst, “like someone is moving upstairs.”
  19)Stampeding Spooks
  As Texas’s open 20)range was being divided into small farms in the 1880s, tensions tightened between cowboys and farmers. One legend tells of an angry farmer who fired his gun one night above a 21)grazing herd. The noise spooked the animals, and many stampeded over a cliff to their deaths.
  Today that 22)eerie spot is known as Stampede 23)Mesa, where visitors report hearing hoofbeats as if ghostly cattle are stampeding. “Herd bosses are afraid of those phantom 24)steers,” says rancher John R. Craddock in the book Legends of Texas. It’s said that since that deadly night, every herd arriving on the mesa would suddenly start to stampede, always for some unknown reason.
  Guard Dog
  The fighting was fierce in Gettysburg on July 1, 1863, as the Civil War battle 25)raged. Sallie the 26)bull terrier was a Union 27)regiment’s 28)mascot. She stayed with the soldiers after the battle, keeping a lonely 29)vigil over the men who had died. Some people believe that Sallie is still there.
  “In the early days of July, if you get too close to where the Union soldiers fell, it’s said that you can hear the ghostly 30)growls of a dog,” says tour guide Ed Kenney. Some say it’s Sallie, still guarding her fallen comrades.
  A Royal Fright
  The Tower of London is a royal palace where kings and queens of Great Britain once lived; it’s also home to the 31)Crown Jewels. In the 1200s, the Tower became the site of the Royal 32)Menagerie, where the king housed 33)exotic animals, such as elephants, lions, and bears.
  Some say one of those bears may have escaped - from the grave. In 1815, a lone guard on duty claims he saw a bear 34)lumber through the doorway. Terrified, the man 35)lunged at the animal with his 36)bayonet. But the weapon passed into thin air, and the frightened guard fainted.
  He reportedly died within two days of his horrifying experience - maybe scared to death.

If you’re not the one   Then why does my soul feel glad today?  If you’re not the one  Then why does my hand fit yours this way?  If you are not mine  Then why does your heart return my call?  If you
With a timid[羞怯的]   voice and idolizing[崇拜偶像]   eyes, the little boy greeted his father as he returned from work, “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?”  Greatly surprised, but giving his boy a   glar
英国诗人罗伯特·布朗宁(1812-1889)和妻子伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁(1806-1861)是19世纪中叶英国诗坛的明星夫妇,他们传奇式的爱情故事一直被传为佳话。  1845年1月10日,在读完伊丽莎白·巴雷特的诗集之后,罗伯特·布朗宁第一次给她写信。当时的他只是一个名不见经传的33岁诗人和剧作家,而她已是一位知名诗人,但同时也是一名39岁的病弱者。“我全心全意地热爱你的诗句,亲爱的巴雷特小姐
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There are lots of reasons why visitors keep coming back to Cyprus and why first timers are attracted to the island, too. Here are some of the best.    Feast on a Traditional Cypriot Meze[(地中海的)开胃小吃]  
他常年位居宝莱坞票房排名首位,是身兼演员、编剧、导演、制片、配乐、唱歌等多种才能的“全能王”。如果说《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)从外国人的视角向印度电影文化致敬,他主演的《三个白痴》(3 Idiots)则是原汁原味的宝莱坞风情和现代题材之间的完美结合,不但刷新了印度票房史,还通过网络传播开来,让全世界见识到这位“印度阿汤哥”的才华与魅力——寒假里不妨抽点时间出来看
万圣节到了,幽灵鬼怪再次成为城中热话。你会怎样庆祝这个节日呢?是自己扮鬼怪吓人,还是去体验恐怖和刺激呢?鬼屋历险,不再是孩子们的特权!十二分的惊心动魄,你准备好了吗?    If your kids are older, or you have a taste for such things yourself, perhaps you know that the grisly[恐怖的] horro
获奖名单    一等奖(5人,获赠2007年11月中学版、阅读版、口语版各一本):  罗艳华(辽宁辽阳)、文向晓慧(广东深圳)、张舟(四川成都)、鲍思学(山东济宁)、钟媛(湖北襄樊)  二等奖(10人,获赠2007年11月中学版一本):  刘巍(安徽马鞍山)、徐忆宁(山东淄博)、翟长洪(天津河北区)、杨格格(安徽铜陵)、于梦琳(山东莱阳)、李宁(天津东丽区)、张杉(河南信阳)、钟陈纬(广东兴宁)、
The first time I noticed something weird[怪异的] was going on was when my next door neighbour, Angie, blanked[视而不见] me in the street.      Strange Goings-on[不寻常的事情]     Angie’s a bit older than me, but w