Dream Collector

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  Wendy is a happy girl, but she doesnt have a hobby. All her friends have hobbies, but she doesnt have one. Her friend Julie likes to play the violin. Her friend Michelle likes to collect dolls. But Wendy doesnt play any instruments① and her room isnt big enough to collect anything.
  One day, Wendy is with her grandma. She asks to her grandma. “Grandma, whats your hobby?”
  Wendys grandma smiles a great big smile. “You know, for many years, I dont think I have a hobby.” “All my friends have hobbies, but I dont have one. One of my friends likes to play the piano. One of my friends likes to collect postcards.” “But I dont play any instruments and I dont have a room big enough to collect anything.” “But, then one day, I ask my grandmother what she collects. And she tells me she is a dream collector.
  Dreams dont take up any space, so you will always have enough room. Dreams dont require any special skills. Dreams cant be stolen. And dreams can last forever.
  Wendy thinks for a minute. And then she understands she has many dreams in her collection. She looks at her grandma and smiles. “Grandma, Im a dream collector, too.”
  Choose the best answer.
  1. Wendy is a happy girl without (沒有) a ____.
   A. hobby            B. bedroom              C. grandma               D. friend
  2. Which is TRUE about Wendys friends?
   A. They dont have hobbies.                B. Julie likes to play the piano.
   C. Michelle likes to collect dolls.        D. They can play all the instruments.
  3. Does Wendys grandma like to collect postcards?
   A. Yes, she does.                           B. No, she doesnt.
   C. Yes, she likes to dance.            D. We dont know.
  4. Dreams dont take up any ____, and dreams dont require any ____.
   A. space; skills                              B. rooms; knowledge
   C. skills; knowledge                         D. hobbies; skills
  5. Wendy has a lot of ____ in her collection.
   A. hobbies           B. friends          C. dolls            D. dreams
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