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400米跑是短距离跑中距离最长、最难跑的一个周期性极限运动项目。运动员要在这个项目上跑出特别卓越的成绩,对运动员的要求是非常高的,除了强化日常的体能和技巧训练之外,还需要运动员具备坚强的意志,过人的速度耐力和力量耐力素质、以及合理的体力分配外,还需具有使跑的技术动作协调放松,有保持全身肌肉协调的能力。 400-meter run is the shortest distance to run the longest, most difficult to run a cyclical extreme sports. Athletes want to run on this project particularly outstanding results, the requirements of athletes is very high, in addition to strengthening the daily physical and technical training, but also need athletes with a strong will, extraordinary speed endurance and strength endurance quality , As well as a reasonable distribution of physical strength, but also need to have the coordination of technical action to relax coordination, there is the ability to maintain muscle coordination throughout the body.
The Lanzhou Penning Trap(LPT)is an ion trap facility that is presently under construction at the Institute of Modern Physics(IMP).Its main goal is to perform di
一、何谓“精讲”  对“精讲”的理解贵在“精”字上,“精”就是用时少、效果好、质量高,还体现出教师追求“更高、更快、更强”的体育精神。在体育教学中,“精讲”必须服务于学生的练习和体验,言简意赅,重点突出,目的明确,从而帮助学生在有限的时间内高质量地掌握所学内容,达到最佳的教学效果,最终生成既定的教学目标。如果教师做不到“精讲”,极可能会出现以下5个不利的结果,即:浪费时间,影响练习密度;理解偏差,
The CAP1400 will be built by our country,after the self-dependent innovation work on the imported technology of AP1000,which is a 3rd generation NPP.Now,the des
In fusion reactor,lithium ceramics are considered as the candidate solid tritium breeders in the blanket.Recently,Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 have been recognized as pr