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人固有一死,然,有轻重之分,缓急之别。正当盛年,突发疾病,突然离世,无疑令人惊愕,令人猝不及防,令人哀伤不已。鞠文灿先生当属此列。鞠先生在江苏省政治学科的地位可谓举足轻重;鞠先生在全国政治学科同仁中的影响力可谓德高望重。他的突然离世,带给所有熟知他的人以无限悲痛。2009年秋季开学,本刊向全国各省政治教研员写了一封信,表达了“合作办刊,开放办刊”的愿望,且提出了“《中学政治教学参考》是全国政治教研员和政治教师的精神家园,中学政治教学参考编辑部是大家常想常回的家”那两句后来传遍大江南北的温馨话语。就在我们忐忑不安之时,鞠文灿先生第一时间给予回复,并发出诚挚邀请,从此中政参开启了江苏之旅。俗话说,“众人拾柴火焰高”。中政参历经44年而不衰,就是因为有强大的读者、作者基础,而这基础中最为厚重的一部分恰恰来自江苏省。凡是熟悉本刊的读者朋友都知道,江苏作者与全国相比较,几乎占到三分之一。多年来,编读互动,刊校合作,战略发展,各种活动最活跃者非江苏省莫属。而这一切的源头就在鞠先生那里。是他的远见,是他的力主,是他的推动,中政参在江苏省各地畅通无阻。斯人已逝,风范永存。为此,本刊专门辟出版面,特别邀请崔维云老师撰写这篇长文,以示对鞠文灿先生的无限追思和缅怀。 People inherently die, however, there are points of distinction, the priority of the other. Just as old age, sudden illness, sudden death, no doubt astonishing, it is a surprise, it is sad. Mr. Ju Wencan belong to this column. Mr. Ju’s position as a political discipline in Jiangsu Province can be described as pivotal; Mr. Ju’s influence in the national political science disciplines can be described as highly respected. His sudden death gave all those who know him endless sorrow. In the autumn of 2009, the journal wrote a letter to political researchers in various provinces across the country, expressing the wish of “cooperation in running a journal and running a journal” and put forward the “Reference of Political Teaching in Secondary Schools” Staff and political teachers spiritual home, secondary school politics teaching reference editorial department is often we want to often return to home “that two later spread all over the river north and south of warm words. Just when we were upset, Mr. Ju Wencan gave a reply as soon as possible and issued a sincere invitation. Since then, political participation has opened the journey to Jiangsu. As the saying goes, ”everyone firewood flame high ". The 44-year history of the Chinese government has not deteriorated. It is because of the strong readership and the foundation of the author. The most massive part of this foundation comes from Jiangsu Province. All readers who are familiar with this publication know that Jiangsu authors account for almost one-third of the total number of their authors. Over the years, compilation of interactive reading, school cooperation, strategic development, the most active non-Jiangsu Province, none other than none other. The source of all this is Ju Ju. It is his vision, his advocate, his promotion, and the participation of political parties in all parts of Jiangsu Province. Sri Lanka has passed away, style forever. To this end, the magazine devoted layout, specially invited Cui Weiyun teacher to write this long article, in order to show Mr. Ju Wencan unlimited recollection and memory.
所谓“去魅” ,是西方学术界在论及现代与古典的区别时常用的一个术语。古典时期的人追求终极永恒的价值与真理 ,无条件地服从原则和理想 ,没有什么道理可讲 ,就好像那些永恒