
来源 :中国物资经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sniper0928
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1991年是“质量、品种、效益”年。全国各地都在围绕这个主题,抓质量,上品种,推动工业生产迅速回升。比如襄樊这个新兴中等工业城市,1~4月工业总产值比去年同期增长8.86%,增长速度高于全国平均水平。当前主要问题是,地方工业经济效益水平仍然不佳。1~4月襄樊市预算内工业企业,实现利税比上年同期下降29.03%,亏损企业亏损额上升52.96%。受其影响,财政性收支缺口加大,收入下滑的局面尚未有好转。l~4月全市财政收入比上年同期下降2.37%。工业企业大部分仍是处在增产不增收的低效运转状态。为什么会处于这种状态呢?症结何在?对此,我们调查了部分企业,归纳起来,既有宏观调控不力的原因,又有微观经营管理的问题。具体说症结有四: 1991 was the year of “quality, variety, and benefit.” All around the country are focusing on this topic, grasping quality, introducing varieties, and promoting the rapid recovery of industrial production. For example, in the emerging middle-class industrial city of Xiangfan, the industrial output value from January to April increased by 8.86% over the same period of last year, and the growth rate was higher than the national average. The current major problem is that the level of local industrial economic efficiency is still poor. From January to April, the industrial enterprises in Xiangfan City budget realized a 29.03% decrease in profits and taxes compared with the same period of last year, and the loss of loss-making enterprises increased by 52.96%. Affected by this, the gap in fiscal revenues and expenditures has increased, and the situation of falling revenue has not yet improved. From January to April, the city’s fiscal revenue decreased by 2.37% over the same period of last year. Most of the industrial enterprises are still in an ineffective state of operation without increasing production. Why is it in this state? What is the crux of the problem? In this regard, we have investigated some companies and summed them up. There are both reasons for weak macroeconomic regulation and control, as well as problems with microscopic management. Specifically there are four cruxes: