An Analysis of The Translation of Culture—loaded Words in The Three—Body Problem from the Perspectiv

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  【Abstract】:Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson put forward Relevance Theory, and Ernst-August Gutt applied it to translation. He regards translation as a special form of communication between two languages which is also an inferential process. The translator should deduce information from the context, and pursue optimal relevance between source language and target language. The thesis intends to apply Relevance Theory to the analysis of culture-loaded words in The Three-Body Problem and endeavors to make some constructive suggestions for the employment of appropriate translation strategies so as to achieve the optimal relevance in the process of translating culture-loaded terms.
  【Key Words】: Relevance Theory; culture-loaded words; The Three-Body Problem; translation strategy
  1. Relevance Theory and Translation
  Relevance Theory, appeared in the 1980s, has made a strong impact on many disciplines, especially translation. So many scholars successively apply the theory to translation studies. It can be assumed that previous achievements in this field have proved the importance of relevance theory to translation.
  In the traditional studies of translation, since translation has long been considered as an inter-lingual activity rather than an intercultural communication, more attention has been paid to the linguistic analysis and textual comparisons than the cultural aspect. Nevertheless, in recent years, researchers have begun to attach more and more
  importance to the subtle influence of culture on translation. In 1999, Bassnett and Lefevere pointed out that the linguistic theories of translation “have moved from unit to unit, but not beyond”. But they are opposed to the comparison between originals and translations since it neglects the influence of the cultural environment on the original text and the corresponding translation. They placed great emphasis on the cultural factor in the translation study by analyzing how translation influences the development of the culture of a country, how one culture is transplanted into another one, how two cultures are integrated, how culture affects translation and how to surmount the cultural impediment.
  2.Review of The Three-Body Problem
  Now the studies on The Three-body Problem are mainly from the perspectives of literature and translation. Lin Pin (2011) tried to find the relationship of modern science fiction literature and the development of science and technology in the works; Liu Zao (2013) tried to use the feminist perspective to novel deconstruction; Yang Chen (2013) tried to clarify the inner feelings and contradictions tension of the novel; Hu Ming (2011) tried to describe Liu Cixin’s gradually mature trajectory from the trilogy. These efforts are beneficial to understand The Three Body, to understand Liu Cixin and to understand science fiction literature.   As for the studies on translated version The Three Body Problem, there are several master’s thesis in 2015. Lang Jing (2015) analyzes how the subjectivity of translator Ken Liu is reflected in his translation and how he managed to rewrite the original text in a feminist way in the process of translating in her article “On the Translator’s Feminist Translation Strategies in The Three Body Problem”; Li Linqian (2015) discussed the science fiction translation principles in the article “On Chinese to English Science Fiction Translation with the Three-Body Problem as an Example”; Chen Ziyue (2015) explored the science fiction translation from a specific translation theory in the article “On Science Fiction Translation from the Perspective of Chesterman’s Translation Norms--A Case Study of the English Version of Santi”. Besides, there is one journal article “On Subjectivity of Translator from George Steiner's Hermeneutics--Translation of Science Fiction The Three Body Problem”. Therefore, we can see recent studies on the translation of The Three Body Problem are mainly from the translation theories and standards. So far there is no any research on the translation of The Three Body Problem from any linguistic or pragmatic perspectives. The author of this paper provides a new perspective, relevance theory, to investigate the translation of science fiction The Three Body Problem.
  3. Conclusion
  Translation is a very complicated process. In order to produce a good translation of the original text, the translator should not only know about the language and its culture very well, but also need to consider the cognitive environment of the TL. The translator should take the contextual effects and the purpose of the target text into consideration as well. Consequently, the translator may have to meet with many different considerations in the one single situation, which will make it difficult for him to choose or decide which consideration is prior. For example, the translator’s attempt to retain the concise style of the original text may be in contradiction with  the attempt to make the source language term more clear to the target language readers. For such kind of conflicts, traditional translation theories have offered some explanations to some extent. However, they are not convincing enough to explain all of the conflicts since there are controversies among themselves. Recently, because  of the development of cognitive linguistic, many scholars have come to recognize  the cognitive nature of human communication. Relevance Theory has provided the  scholars with a new perspective to study the translation process. The principle to  decide whether the translated text is successful or not is the optimal relevance.
  In a word, the present research is only a tentative study of the translation of culture-loaded words in The Three-Body Problem from the perspective of Relevance Theory. Although the conclusion made is based on large amount of example  collections and analyses from The Three-Body Problem, there still remains something to be done in the future.
【摘要】:时空意识常常来自不自觉,同时带有明显的的主体性特征,林徽因的诗歌流露出强烈的时空意识,这是诗人对个人生存意义的追寻与反思,以及诗人人生价值观的折射,诗人的时空体验随着时空环境的变化而变化,所以显在的时空意识背后还可以把握诗人所处时代的脉搏。本文立足于林徽因的诗歌文本,结合其人生境遇,以探诗人的时空意识的具体表现、形成原因及其背后所蕴含的哲理意味。  【关键词】:林徽因;诗歌;时空意识  
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【摘要】:本文从建立有效的实训室使用管理办法,加强实训室管理,让学生在模拟真实岗位情景下开展实训等方面进行论述,对中职学校平面广告设计专业实训室向着产教学多赢的理想教学模式发展,起到了积极的作用。  【关键词】:实训室;双向一体化;管理制度;配套使用;实践  引言:  平面广告设计最为一个强调动手实践的专业,其发展最需解决的问题就是实训室的建设,主要包括三个方面:一是如何使用,二是如何管理,三是如
【摘要】:本文旨在通过对新加坡德育特色的评析,旨在借鉴新加坡品德教育的成功经验,并对其德育存在的问题进行客观分析,以期站在新的角度审视我国德育的实践,能更好地认识到我国德育存在的问题,以推动我国教育实践的完善发展。  【关键词】: 新加坡;德育;多元文化;价值观  新加坡自1965年建国以来,在短短的几十年里,实现了经济的高速发展,成为一个物质文明、精神文明高度发达的国家。新加坡取得如此辉煌的成就
【摘要】:现如今,功能语篇分析已经是语言学界一个非常热门的研究角度,尤其是对古诗英译的分析和研究也越来越多。本文从韩礼德的功能语言学角度出发,对唐代诗人王维《竹里馆》一诗进行语篇纯理功能分析;用功能语言学的分析框架来描述诗歌及其英译文,尝试检验系统功能语言学在语篇分析中的可操作性和可应用性。  【关键词】:语篇分析;古诗英译;《竹里馆》  一、引言  《竹里馆》是唐代诗人王维的《辋川集》二十二首诗
【Abstract】: This paper, in connection with the political, social and economic background of America in 1950s, mainly analyzes the connotation of the mainstream culture during that phase from the aspec
我所指的“年轻教师”,是年龄小于30岁,走上教师工作岗位不久的教师。我正处于这个阶段,也即将走出这个阶段。作为一名高中物理学科的年轻教师,上好课,是最基本的要求。但是,真正要上好一节物理课,却不是那么容易。曾经有过许多困惑,走过很多弯路,体验过失败的痛苦,也总结了一些不成熟的经验。参加过各种教学竞赛、听课评课,送了两届高中毕业生,对于如何上好课开始有了一些认识和感悟。  什么是“一堂课”?这个问题