The Violation of Cooperative Principle in Intercultural Business Negotiation

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  【Abstract】The Cooperative Principle proposed by Herbert Paul Grice is used extensively in negotiation. However, in practice, the Cooperative Principle sometimes is violated out of need. This paper analyzes that how negotiators violate the CP in intercultural business negotiation and what Conversational Implicature is produced through the content analysis of Chinese and foreign business negotiation. The goal of this paper is to provide some linguistic strategies for intercultural negotiators and drive negotiation triumphantly.
  【Keywords】culture; intercultural business negotiation; Cooperative Principle; Conversational Implicature
  I. Introduction
  In intercultural business negotiation, negotiators always encounter kinds of cultural barriers like these due to the difference in culture, custom, history and so like which will prevent business negotiation from going smoothly. In view of this, negotiators should apply different linguistic strategies and develop intercultural awareness. The Cooperative Principle is one of the efficient ways. Nevertheless, in practice, negotiators often choose to violate the four maxims to produce some Conversational Implicature and drive negotiation smoothly. This paper analyzes the violation of the four maxims in intercultural business negotiation to guide successful intercultural business negotiation.
  II. Theoretical Framework
  2.1 The Cooperative Principle
  The Cooperative Principle (CP) was originally put forward by Herbert Paul Grice. Grice defined the CP as “Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged (Grice, 1975).” Grice noticed that in daily conversations people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them.
  To specify the CP, Grice borrows from the German philosopher Immanue Kant four categories. Here we will introduce two of them:
  The Maxim of Relation The Maxim of Manner
  2.2 Conversational Implicature
  The Conversational Implicature focus its attention on the phenomenon of conveying more than what is said. He claims that the theory is realized through the violation of the four maxims of the CP. In other words, it is the CP that keeps the Conversational Implicature going.
  2.3 Cultural Dimension
  2.3.1 Individualism Versus Collectivism
  This dimension refers to how people define themselves and their relation with other people. In an individualist culture, the interest of individual prevails over that of the group. In an collectivist culture, the interest of the group is more important than that of the individual.   2.3.2 Long-time Versus Short -time Orientation
  The dimension of Confucian work dynamism is now called long-term orientation versus short-time orientation commonly. Long-term orientation encourages thrift. Short-term orientation is consistent with less savings, and a concern with face.
  III.The Violation of The CP in Intercultural Business Negotiation
  3.1 The Violation of the Relation Maxim
  A: Competition has become sharper than ever before. I’m afraid your price is to high to be acceptable.
  B: Everyone in trade ought to know that he has to cope with competition from different quarters.
  A: Don’t be so sure. As a matter of fact, we’ve obtained a quotation from Japanese supplier.
  B: Our price is indeed a litter higher than our competitor’s, but I think you will agree that it gives much value for money.
  (Zhang Cuibao &Ji Han, 2013)
  A complained that the price was too high and that it was bad for market competition and wanted B to lower its price. If B opposed A directly by “No, it’s impossible for us to lower the price.” or something like that, apparently, the atmosphere between them would be embarrassed and the negotiation had the possibility to broke up. Here, B didn’t answer what A had said, instead, he responded by saying “I don’t know how you can make this conclusion” and turned the argument from price to quality of goods which B had more advantages to avoid direct dispute. Though B violated the maxim of relation--Be relevant, it was obvious that he held the upper hand of this negotiation through the violation of maxim of relation.
  3.2 The Violation of the Manner Maxim
  A: How about a 9% discount on per unit?
  B: You know, we don’t get many profits on the price.
  C: If we can make a deal this time, we will give you larger quantity in the future.
  (Huang Yulan, 2003: 60)
  A and B were talking about the price. B wanted a discount on the price. It was apparent that A didn’t agree with B. In lieu of insisting on the discount without any comprise, B made a promise that they will “give a larger quantity in the future”. B violated the maxim of manner by offering a obscure concept about the word “larger”. In this sentence, the Conversational Implicature was that B can give A much more profits in the future by larger quantity order. Maybe neither A nor B could give a certain number about how much on earth “larger” quantity refers to. In saying this sentence, B assured A the profits in the future so that a 9% discount could be permitted this time as a return and their negotiation developed along the right track.
  This paper analyzes the violation of the four maxims from eight case study in intercultural business negotiation. Through the analysis, this paper aims to provide some widely performed suggestions for intercultural negotiators. According to the study, I want to put forward some suggestions for future research. First, more studies should been done from the perspective of intercultural communication; Second, more studies should been qualitative and quantitative based, even in the field of linguistics and literature.
  [1]Grice, H. P. (1967). Logic and Conversation. Harvard.
【摘 要】“宗教”对我们而言,总是显得飘渺虚无。“文学”虽然近在身边,又是十分高深。中西有着不同的宗教,也有着不同的文学。联系总是千丝万缕,有着差异的宗教也对文学产生了影响。  【关键词】中西宗教;文学;影响  一、渊源:宗教和文学的概念  宗教是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段出现的一种文化现象,属于社会意识形态。宗教相信现实世界之外存在着超自然的神秘力量或实体,该神秘统摄万物而拥有绝对权威、主宰自然
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【摘 要】教育是民族振兴的希望,而教育的振兴来源于教师。因而教师的职业道德修养的树立是全面贯彻教育的根本所在,这也是提高教育质量的核心和关键。因此加强高校教师职业道德修养建设,是新时期社会教育发展的需要,所以对于提高高校教师职业道德修养要积极的予以重视。  【关键词】高校教师;职业道德修养;师德;教师素质  一、教师职业道德素养的认识  人类社会文明发展过程中,教师起着不可替代的作用。高校教师的工
【摘 要】素质教育是提高全民族素质的奠基工程。在中职院校众多学科当中,语文教育对学生人文素质的培养能够产生积极的作用,因此,采取行之有效的措施,来加强中职语文教学中素质教育的实施就显得尤为重要。本文论述了中职语文教学的现状,并提出了中职语文教学中素质教育实施的对策。  【关键词】中职语文;素质教育  《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》明确要求“实施素质教育应当贯穿于幼儿教育、
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【摘 要】尽管传统的课堂教学具有丰富的遗产和宝贵的教学经验,但传统教学局限性和不足亦十分突出。传统课堂教学的主要缺陷是信息功能弱,个别教学能力差,这些缺陷是由传统教学的传递结构所决定的,不是改变教学所能克服的,为了解决传统教学所面临的难题,为了提高教学效率。要构建现代教学模式,将传统教学方式和现代教学媒体有机结合起来,从而提高课堂效率和学生学习的热情。但是,要辩证的看待多媒体这一新鲜事物,它在优化
【要 旨】本稿は接尾辞の「ーぽい」の複合語とその意味を取り上げながら、「ーぽい」の複合語に含まれる評価は対人評価だけでなく、対物評価もあるということを分析する。その上、「ーぽい」の複合語に含まれる対人評価を分析する。  【キーワード】「ーぽい」;複合語;評価;機能  1、「ーぽい」の複合語とその意味  接尾辞の「ーぽい」は名詞·形容詞の語幹·形容動詞の語幹·動詞連用形という語基につけて事物の性質·
【摘 要】可译性与不可译性之争是翻译不可回避的话题。古往今来,中外译学界对此一直在进行不同角度的总结与探讨。不同语言因其独特的语音特征及词汇意义,使与之相关的文本某种程度上具有不可译性。本文尝试以词的多义性探讨翻译的不可能性,以揭示翻译存在的可译性限度,激励译者在不可译中寻求可译,促进翻译理论与实践的深化。  【关键词】词;多义性;不可译性  1、引言  “讨论翻译的矛盾问题,我们首先遭遇到的,便
【摘 要】语言和文化是密不可分的,语言的教学也不能独立于文化知识的传授,因此在进行语言教学时,人们一定会渗入文化的教学。本文结合教学实践阐述了在英语教学中文化渗透的必要性和重要性。  【关键词】文化渗透;英语教学;语言  美国著名的语言学家E.Sapir对语言与文化的密切关系做出了精辟的阐释,他说:“语言的背后是有东西的,语言不能离开文化而存在。”一方面语言本身就是文化的一部分,同时又是文化的载体