Healing and Destruction in Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Hell—Heaven”

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  The short story “Hell-Heaven”, taken from Jhumpa Lahiri’s collection Unaccustomed Earthi, presents contrasting images and associations in its title, and a search through the whole text renders a display of many binary oppositions consistent with the title. According to the structuralist theory, binary oppositions are two diametrically opposing ideas that are the most basic building blocks of structure in a textii. A structuralist reading of “Hell-Heaven” yields evidence of the binary opposition between healing, Heaven, and destruction, Hell, both in the characters and in textual signs which form codes for destruction and healing.
  The binary opposition of healing and destruction is manifested primarily in the story’s characters, who alternately fulfill roles of healing others and destroying others. Pranab Chakraborty, after having moved from Calcutta to Boston, is welcomed into the family of Aparna, a twenty-eight year old Bengali woman and the mother of the story’s narrator, Usha. The family offers Pranab hospitality, and he soon becomes an integral component to Aparna’s own happiness. “He brought to my mother the first and, I suspect, the only pure happiness she ever felt,” our story’s narrator Usha says. “I don’t think even my birth made her as happy... Pranab Kaku was different. He was the one totally unanticipated pleasure in her life” (Lahiri 67). At this stage, Pranab has a healing effect on Aparna, bringing her fulfillment.
  However, those who fulfill the role of healers become forces of destruction later in the text. Although he at first brings happiness and contentment to Aparna, Pranab eventually breaks her heart by marrying Deborah. He destroys other relationships in the story as well, including his marriage with Deborah. After twenty-three years of marriage, Pranab and Deborah divorce. “It was [Pranab] who had strayed,” writes the narrator, “falling in love with a married Bengali woman, destroying two families in the process” (Lahiri 81). Pranab also destroys his relationship with his parents, choosing to marry an American girl against his parents’ will. The healer turns into a destroyer. This pattern of a healer transforming into a destroyer is repeated and reversed throughout the story.
  The text uses objects with symbolic significance as codes to indicate healing or destruction. Perhaps the most noteworthy example is the repeated use of safety pins as symbols when describing Usha’s mother, Aparna. In the very first paragraph of the story, the narrator writes that “[Pranab] noticed the two or three safety pins [Aparna] wore fastened to the thin gold bangles that were behind the red and white ones, which she would use to replace a missing hook on a blouse or to draw a string through a petticoat at moment’s notice” (Lahiri 61). The reader later learns how unhappy Aparna is with her life and her marriage, and how she is in need of some form of healing. The code of the safety pins is that of a temporary solution to a problem, much like Pranab's companionship is a temporary solution for Aparna's unhappy marriage and isolated life. The safety pin code makes a second appearance at the end of the story. A few weeks after Pranab’s wedding, Aparna plans to use safety pins to help her commit suicide, pinning her sari down tight with them so that no one would be able to pull it off her body once she lights herself on fire. This destructive use of safety pins is the diametrical opposite of the earlier use to fix clothing. At that moment, the mother’s misery is paramount. If she had been in an emotional heaven in the early stages of her friendship with Pranab, the reappearance of the safety pins in the end marks her deepest emotional hell and constitutes a form of extreme destruction. In this way, the whole story is structured around the use of safety pins as codes for the binary opposition of healing and destruction.   The binary opposition of healing and destruction in “Hell-Heaven” creates a code through the patterns of behavior of the characters and through parallels in symbols. The reader understands this code with the unfolding of the patterns and may attempt to predict the action of the story based on the patterns, but the patterns are not fully developed until the end of the plot. While the reader has seen the progression from healing to destruction throughout the story, the opposing progression from destruction to healing comes only during the final few paragraphs in the healed relationship of Usha’s parents, the salvation of the mother by the neighbor, and the developing friendship between Deborah and Usha’s family. After the pattern of movement from healing to destruction has been established, the violation of this pattern creates in the reader a sense of completion both in the story of the characters and in the structure of the binary opposition.
  [1] Lahiri, Jhumpa. “Hell-Heaven.” Unaccustomed Earth. New York: Vintage Books, 2008. Print.
  [2]Beginning Theory, Peter Barry, Manchester University Press, 2009
摘 要:高中英语阅读课文是各单元教学的核心部分,也是培养学生阅读能力的主要渠道。因此,不同阅读活动阶段,必须采用不同阅读理解模式以求不同阅读教学目标的实现。  关键词:自上而下模式;阅读速度;图式理论;自下而上模式  英语阅读教学是英语教学的重要组成部分。有效的英语阅读教学是学生积累语言知识、锻炼语言技能和培养跨文化意识的重要途径,也是培养学生阅读能力的主要渠道。传统的阅读课教学模式常常是单一的自
摘 要:以学生为主体,让学生在课堂的生态场中,在老师的帮助下,自主、积极地进行活动,学习知识,实践理论,提高素质,成为课堂真正的主人公,是我们目前课堂追求的高境界。英语课堂作为众多课堂的一种,也在追求这种让学生变被动为主动,积极大胆追求真知的高效生态课堂。  关键词:课堂主体;生态课堂;中职英语  中等职业学校英语课程要在九年义务教育基础上,帮助学生进一步学习英语基础知识,培养听、说、读、写等语言
一、教学目标:  ㈠知识目标:  1.复习鸟类的名称,让学生用完整的句子叙述各种鸟类的特点。  2.检测学生运用相反意义形容词的能力。  3.检测学生理解和运用方式副词的能力。  4.检测学生运用一般现在时和现在进行时谈论将来的能力。  5.复习扎龙自然保护区这篇Reading,让学生掌握基本词汇、词组和句型。  6.复习申请信的格式和内容,让学生学会自己写一封申请信。  ㈡能力目标:  通过课堂
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摘 要:翻译就是把用一种语言表达的信息准确通畅地转换成另一种语言的活动或行为。高中英语教学越来越关注学生翻译能力的提高和素质的培养,开设高中英语知识拓展类“初级翻译”校本课程切实可行。英汉两种语言在句子结构方面存在着很多差异,如果能熟悉这种差异,同时也能了解中西方文化等诸多特点,这样译出来的内容才会通顺流畅,符合汉语的行文习惯。因此,要让学生“准确”、“通畅”地翻译英文,英语教师应从句子结构、文化
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