
来源 :现代教育科学(小学教师) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcyzlh
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幼儿教育活动是有目的、有计划地引导幼儿主动地多种形式地教育过程。幼儿只有主动的参与学习,内在的潜质才能得到最大限度的发挥,达到最佳的学习效果。根据幼儿教材特点,幼儿心身发展规律,农村教育实际,以及多年幼儿教育经验,谈几点农村幼儿教育活动的做法。一、从理念上落实幼儿主体地位在教学中应注重教给幼儿学习方法,培养幼儿分析 Early childhood education activities are purposeful and well-planned programs that guide young children in the proactive and diverse forms of education. Children only take the initiative to participate in learning, the underlying potential can be maximized to achieve the best learning results. According to the characteristics of early childhood teaching materials, physical and mental development of young children, the actual situation of rural education, as well as many years of experience in early childhood education, talk about the practice of early childhood education in rural areas. First, the idea of ​​implementing the child’s dominant position in teaching should focus on teaching methods for young children to develop child care analysis
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