
来源 :中国高校后勤研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gtowdp86
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随着高等教育体制改革的逐步深入,高校后勤必然纳入社会主义市场经济的轨道,并逐步实现后勤服务社会化。改革会使后勤产生一些新的问题,我们应针对这些新问题采用一些行之有效的方法和手段,为学校和后勤的改革和发展提供有力的思想保证。1.后勤社会化条件下,思想政治工作面临的几个新问题1.1 竞争性为思想政治工作带来的新问题。后勤服务社会化中的竞争机制不可避免地让一部分职工下岗,如果思想工作没有跟上,他们会不理解,产生怨气,带上思想包袱,影响学校稳定。这就要求我们一方面要坚持优胜劣 With the gradual deepening of the reform of higher education system, the logistics of colleges and universities must inevitably be incorporated into the track of socialist market economy and socialization of logistics services should be gradually realized. Reform will bring some new problems in logistics. We should adopt some effective methods and means in response to these new problems so as to provide a strong ideological guarantee for the reform and development of schools and logistics. 1. Several new issues confronting ideological and political work under the condition of logistical socialization 1.1 The new problems that competition brings to ideological and political work. The competitive mechanism in the socialization of logistics services inevitably leaves part of the workers laid off. If the ideological work fails to keep up with them, they will not understand, generate resentment, and carry the burden of thinking, which will affect the stability of the school. This requires us to insist on the one hand, superiority and inferiority
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