随着科学技术的推进,人类复制自己的愿望正一步步成为现实。18世纪的时候,一个叫拉美特利的法国人发表了“人是机器”的见解,到本世纪,我们面前就真的出现了用无机物质制造出来的、酷似人形的机器。科学成就了我们的梦想,也使我们与梦想发生疏离。 即使在天才的幻想大师卢卡斯的《星球大战》里,能与人类才智并驾齐驱的还是其它已进化为智慧生物的各类动物,而千姿百态的机器人不过是被动接受指令的工具或战争机器。
With the advancement of science and technology, it is becoming a reality that human beings are copying their own wishes. In the 18th century, a French man named Lamy-Tritty published the opinion that man is a machine. By this century, there really came to us a human-like machine made of inorganic substances. Science has made our dreams alienated from our dreams. Even in the “Star Wars” of genius fantasy master Lucas, capable of keeping pace with human intelligence is other animals that have evolved into intelligent creatures, but different kinds of robots are nothing but passive instrumental instruments or war machines.