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根据《盐铁论》、《汉书》等文献就汉昭帝时期乐府进行研究,得出三点结论:一、此期乐府仍存在并开展了祠太一、祀山川、接待外宾等歌舞百戏活动,承担着管理乐器、采集民歌等职能。二、以霍光为首的官吏反对滥用乐舞,肯定乐府观风知俗的政教功能;以桑弘羊为首的官吏则肯定郑卫之声,追求乐府的娱乐功能;在野的贤良、文学强调乐府的礼乐教化功能,反对僭越用乐,主张节制用乐。这些对乐府乐舞的不同态度都对后来西汉乐府的发展产生了影响。三、尽管此期乐府相对沉寂,但它保留了传统,在乐府发展史上有承上启下作用;此期歌诗多反映当时人们对政治价值与个体生命价值的思考,值得珍视。 According to “Salt and Iron”, “Han” and other literatures on the Han Dynasty Zhao Zhao during the study of Yuefu, come to three conclusions: First, the period of Yuefu still exist and carried out Temple too, worship the mountains and reception foreign guests such as dance performances , Undertake the management of musical instruments, collecting folk songs and other functions. Second, the officials led by Huo Guang opposed the abuse of music and dance and affirmed the political and religious functions of the Yuefu observer; the official headed by Sang Hongyang affirmed the sound of Zheng Wei and pursued the entertainment function of Yuefu; the virtuousness in the field emphasizes the ritual and enlightenment function of Yuefu , Opposed to Yue music, advocating temperament. All these different attitudes toward the music and dance of the Yuefu government exerted an influence on the development of Yuefu in the Western Han Dynasty. Third, despite the relative silence of the Yuefu government during the period, it retained its tradition and played a key role in the development of the Yuefu government. The poems in this period reflected the people’s contemplation on the political value and the individual life value at that time and deserved to be cherished.
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