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  This month we look at the darker theme of death. It's something no one can escape, but if we manage to leave something behind, perhaps we never truly die.
故事梗概:  九月的一个夜晚,居住在新英格兰地区白山大峡谷里的一家人迎来了一位陌生人。当晚,这位年轻来客和这家人相处融洽,年轻人于是向这家人谈起了自己的理想和抱负。随后,原本安于平静生活并自得其乐的一家人也分别说出了自己的一些“奇怪”的想法,如父亲希望一家人生活在某个小镇上并有座农场而不是居住在这个危险的峡谷里;最小的孩子还甚至有所预感地提出:“我要咱们全家,还有那位客人,马上出发,到山涧的水潭去
I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma. I was just a kid. I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her on the day my big sister dropped the bomb: "There is no Santa Claus," she
Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk or a headstrong tod-dler starting to talk. No matter how m
My mother always told me to look at a man's shoes if you wanted to know more about him. If only she'd said to take a good squiz at his feet, it might have saved so much heartache!
The phenomenon of ambition has interested me for a good many years.  I obviously cannot speak for people in general, but in my own case, the fact that I didn't have true ambition was slow to become a
从小,源于对生命逝去的恐惧,我就有了一个心愿——写一本书,记录自己的人生。生命无常,我好害怕自己哪天突然走了,会像从未来过这世上一样,不被任何人所记住,抑或忆起,并会随着时光的流逝化作一片空白。一再读到已过世的作家留下的隽永的文字,我以为,留下文字就能烙印生命。  十几年前,四叔因工伤事故离世以后,爸爸默默地从家里的大相框里取下四叔的照片,可能是怕小孩子看见死去的人的遗照会害怕,也可能是怕照片会勾
Dear Morgan,  I wanted you to know how much I love you. I'm sure that you already know, but it will make me feel better if I put it in writing.
If you consult the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, which is democratically created by Internet users, you will see a pattern emerges in the phrases used to describe the first female leaders of many cou
My 87-year-old grandmother is frail, housebound, nearly blind—and ready to die. She wants to die. But no one will let her. These days she answers all my phone calls with   1)gallows humor.   “How are