Effect of H_2S concentration on the corrosion behavior of pipeline steel under the coexistence of H_

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangjie871202
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The effect of H2S concentration on H2S/CO2 corrosion of API-X60 steel was studied by scanning electron microscopy, a weight-loss method, potentiodynamic polarization tests, and the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique. It is found that the corrosion process of the steel in an environment where H2S and CO2 coexist at different H2S concentrations is related to the morphological structure and stability of the corrosion product film. With the addition of a small amount of H2S, the size of the anode reaction region is decreased due to constant adsorption and separation of more FeS sediment or more FeHS+ ions on the surface of the steel. Meanwhile, the double-layer capacitance is diminished with increasing anion adsorption capacity. Therefore, the corrosion process is inhibited. The general corrosion rate of the steel rapidly decreases after the addition of a small amount of H2S under the coexistence of H2S and CO2. With a further increase in H2S concentration, certain parts of the corrosion product film become loose and even fall off. Thus, the protection provided by the corrosion product film worsens, and the corrosion rate tends to increase. The effect of H2S concentration on H2S / CO2 corrosion of API-X60 steel was studied by scanning electron microscopy, a weight-loss method, potentiodynamic polarization tests, and the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy technique. It is found that the corrosion process of the steel in an environment where H2S and CO2 coexist at different H2S concentrations is related to the morphological structure and stability of the corrosion product film. With the addition of a small amount of H2S, the size of the anode reaction region is decreased due to constant adsorption and separation of more FeS sediment or more FeHS + ions on the surface of the steel. However, the double-layer capacitance is diminished with increasing anion adsorption capacity. Thus, the corrosion process is inhibited. of a small amount of H2S under the coexistence of H2S and CO2. With a further increase in H2S concentration, certain parts of t Thus, the protection provided by the corrosion product film worsens, and the corrosion rate tends to increase.
[摘要]中学英语教学不仅要发展学生的语言知识及综合运用能力,而且必须关注学生情感的健康发展。应着力从以下四个方面积极培养:建立融洽的师生关系,营造和谐的情感氛围;挖掘教材的情感资源,引发学生的情感共鸣;培养坚强的学习意志,降低学生的语言焦虑;构建灵活的教学策略,激发学生的学习动机。  [关键词]英语教学 情感态度 人的发展    在我国传统的中学英语教学中,长期以来普遍存在着重视认知因素而忽视情感
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[摘要]目前网络游戏火爆异常,有众多青少年学生沉迷其中,本文分析网络游戏的特点,结合新课程标准的要求,从任务型教学与建构主义教学理论与网络游戏的共性得到启发,设想创建模拟网络游戏特点的英语课堂教学,以有效提高青少年学习英语的兴趣和课堂教学效率。  [关键词]网络游戏 任务型教学 建构主义    目前我国有青少年网民1.6亿以上,其中大部分是玩网络游戏,甚至10%存在不同程度的网瘾。网络游戏有着这样
[摘 要] 近些年来,出动警情由对群体性斗殴事件的处理,演变为现在对一些手持危险器具的暴力分子的处理,警用盾牌起着越来越重要的作用,从原先被动以防守为主的处置方式到现在采用主动出击,进而以主动控制场面为主,这些关键性的变化都是由于警用盾牌的广泛使用引起的。警用盾牌在有关专家和指导训练的教官不断改进之后,其实战性有了很大提升,在实践中触发危险警情时,对警务人员的安全起到很好的防护作用。  [关 键
[摘要]新课程改革呼唤出一系列行之有效的教学方法,本文作者阐述了注重爱心感化、情趣渗透、主体参与和注重自主创新四大语文教学策略。  [关键词]爱心感化 情趣渗透 主体参与 自主创新    初中语文新课程标准以全面提高学生的语文素养、促进学生健康成长为本位,坚持工具性与人文性的有机统一,积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,努力建设开放而有活力的语文课程。本人在新课程理念指导下初步摸索出了语文教学中的